School operations

Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment

1. Testing and tagging of electrical equipment

The principal and/or their delegate must arrange for items of electrical equipment to be tested and tagged by a competent person. A competent person is either a licensed electrician or an individual who has completed the nationally accredited course, UEENEE026A or UEENEEP026A – Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies. Both competencies are currently recognised.

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that identified electrical equipment is recorded on the Electrical Equipment Register (DOCX)External Link or equivalent, this can include the electrical equipment test report provided by a testing and tagging contractor. If an equivalent template is used ensure it includes the following requirements:

  • equipment name
  • location
  • test date
  • next test date
  • Pass/Fail
  • tag number.

Electrical Equipment should be tested as per the Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment Frequency Guide (DOCX)External Link .

The tag should be durable, legible, non-reusable and non-metallic. The following information should be included on the tag:

  • name of competent employee or supplier who performed the test
  • test date
  • re-test date.
Steps to ensure testing and tagging of electrical equipment by a competent person, licensed electrician, or nationally accredited individual

Reviewed 21 June 2024

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