3 Developing an Individual Education Plan
The Student Support Group (SSG) develops the Individual Education Plan (IEP).
The purpose of an IEP is to describe a set of strategies to address the particular educational needs of the child or young person in out-of-home care.
Developing an IEP is an opportunity to recognise and discuss social and behavioural difficulties and concerns a child may have.
The IEP should:
- outline a meaningful educational program
- be age appropriate, holistic in its approach, flexible and future orientated
- consider key long-term goals that reflect learning outcomes in social, academic and life skills development
- establish short-term goals that will lead sequentially to the achievement of long-term goals
- ensure that the goals are measurable, achievable, supported, time-framed and aim to retain the student at school
- clearly articulate individual and shared responsibilities
- provide guidance for the SSG
- contain a record of important decisions, actions, student behaviour and progress
- be a useful transition tool
- be reviewed on a termly basis, or more regularly as needed
It is useful to be aware of the Department of Health and Human Services Looking After Children for context, when developing an IEP.
The Department has developed guidance and resources to support the development of IEPS. Refer to the Individual Education Plans Policy for further information.
Chapter 3 of the Out-of-Home Care Guidelines on developing an Individual Education Plan to support a child or young person in out-of-home care
Reviewed 21 October 2020