Human resources


Information in relation to new employees, including Choice of Fund

The Department or school council, as the employer, is required to offer employees the opportunity to choose the superannuation fund to which they wish to direct the employer superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions.

Superannuation entries are recorded by the employee directly on eduPay using self-service as part of their onboarding process completed at the time of hire or rehire.

Access to record superannuation is available on provision of login information prior to actual commencement of employment. However, in the rare circumstance, where an employee is unable to access Employee Self Servcie and record their superannuation details the following applies:

  • for Department employees a Choice of Superannuation fund form is available under the Resources tab
  • for school council employees on the School Local Payroll use the link to the ATO form and include the school council details as the employer
Information in relation to new employees, including Choice of Fund - Policy and Guidelines for Superannuation

Reviewed 11 July 2022

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