3 Responsibilities

In order to achieve these aims it is the responsibility of the Student Support Group (SSG) to:

  • identify the student’s needs
  • determine any adjustments to be made to the curriculum, teaching and learning
  • plan an appropriate educational program
  • develop an IEP
  • discuss the plan with teachers and provide support to implement the IEP
  • provide advice to the principal/principal nominee concerning the additional educational and support needs of the student and what may be required to meet these needs
  • review and evaluate the student’s program once per term, and at other times if requested by any member of the group

It is essential that a cooperative working relationship is developed and maintained within the SSG and with the school.

The SSG represents a partnership in the educational planning process between the parent/carer(s), the student and the school.

Guidance chapter outlining the responsibilities of a Student Support Group

Reviewed 10 June 2020

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