Communication materials for schools
- Sample newsletter text – schools may wish to use this text to share information about smoking and vaping with parents and carers in their school newsletter (or through any other relevant communication channel)
- Get the facts about vaping – a poster for schools to illustrate facts about vaping for parents
- Quit Victoria: School – contains fact sheets and resources that are added and updated on an ongoing basis
Advice for schools and parents
- Quit Victoria and VicHealth: Get the facts on – contains information for parents, carers, and influential adults to inform conversations about vaping with young people in their lives
- Quit Victoria: Start the – practical tips to help speak to young people about the risks of vaping
- VicHealth: Talk to your teen about – conversation guide that considers a young person’s attitude and behaviours
- Royal Children’s Hospital: e-cigarettes and – contains information on how to talk to teens about the health risks of using e-cigarettes, including video with paediatricians
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation: talking about vaping with young – practical tips to help speak to young people about the risks of vaping
- Department of Education: Smoking and vaping: advice for – information for parents and carers about the impacts of smoking and vaping with their children
Factsheets for schools and parents
- Smoking and vaping: advice for schools – outlines the facts of smoking and vaping, and resources schools can access to support their school community
- Smoking and vaping: advice for parents – this document is tailored for parents and may be useful for them to discuss the impacts of smoking and vaping with their children
Download smoking and vaping advice for schools in different languages
The ‘Smoking and vaping: advice for schools’ document is available to download in different languages.
- Arabic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Dari
- Hindi
- Hindi
- Karenni
- Karenni
- Khmer
- Khmer
- Mongolian
- Mongolian
- Punjabi
- Punjabi
- Samoan
- Samoan
- Simplified Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Sinhalese
- Sinhalese
- Tongan
- Tongan
- Traditional Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Turkish
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Vietnamese
Download smoking and vaping advice for parents in different languages
The ‘Smoking and vaping: advice for parents’ document is available to download in different languages.
- Arabic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Dari
- Hindi
- Hindi
- Karenni
- Karenni
- Khmer
- Khmer
- Mongolian
- Mongolian
- Punjabi
- Punjabi
- Samoan
- Samoan
- Simplified Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Sinhalese
- Sinhalese
- Tongan
- Tongan
- Traditional Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Turkish
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Vietnamese
Teaching and learning resources
- Quit Victoria – free primary and secondary school teaching and learning that focus on vaping health and media literacy, critical thinking and promoting community health. They have also been prepared for adaptation to science, literacy, numeracy, civics and citizenship, and media arts curriculum areas
- Life Education – primary school teaching and learning programs about smoking and vaping
- Lung Foundation Australia, Na Joomelah and Tackling Indigenous Smoking – vaping awareness resources for First Nations youth and communities
- Healthy Schools Achievement – provides a whole of school framework for health and wellbeing. It includes a focused health area on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
- Positive – resources and drug prevention programs for schools developed by University of Sydney. Includes drug and alcohol booklets for parents, teachers and students covering e-cigarettes and vaping, an e-cigarette factsheet and webinar
- Schools Mental Health Menu – includes alcohol and drug
Ban and signage compliance
- Department of Health: Learning environments: smoke-free and – detailed advice, factsheets and diagrams for schools to comply with the smoking and vaping ban
- Department of Health – free ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ to download or order, including free A3 metal signage for primary and secondary schools
Advice services
- provide advice and confidential counselling, including for children from 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday – phone 13 78 48, text or request a call back or online webchat
- is a state-wide alcohol and other drugs advice service offering confidential counselling and referral 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – phone 1800 888 236
- Youth, Drugs and Alcohol Advice provide a youth-specific advice service from 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday – phone 1800 458 685
- Alcohol and Drug – online chatbot
- offer mental health support online, by phone and in person through headspace centres
Other useful websites
- Australian Government: Give Up For – national campaign and resources for quitting smoking and vaping
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation: nicotine – contains information about effects of nicotine, including withdrawal
- Better Health – contains information on the health effects of smoking, strategies for quitting, statistics and Victoria’s laws on smoking
- Better Health Channel: – contains information on the dangers of e-cigarettes
- Better Health Channel: – contains information the liquid used in e-cigarettes and the dangers of nicotine poisoning
- Quit – contains a summary of Australia’s vaping laws
- Royal Children’s – contains a video suitable for school staff and parents/carers on health risks of using e-cigarettes
- – national campaign funded by the Minderoo Foundation for young people aged 14 to 25 years old
Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic
Reviewed 07 March 2025