School operations

Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate Materials

Selecting films or computer games

When selecting films or computer games for use in schools, teacher and principals must consider whether or not the film or game’s rating is appropriate for the age level of students and that the content meets the requirement for selecting teaching and learning resources articulated in these guidelines.

The following additional actions are required, prior to showing students any film or computer game:

  • G and PG rating – No parental consent is required.
  • M rating – Parental permission must be obtained for students under 15. Schools may wish to use the sample consent form (DOCX)External Link for this purpose.
  • MA 15 rating – This resource can only be shown to students who are 15 years or older. Schools should only consider showing MA 15 rated resources to students under the age of 15 in exceptional circumstances where it is critical to deliver the educational program and where parent consent has been obtained (see Resources tab for sample consent form). In all cases, students must be supervised by a teacher throughout the viewing/playing.
  • X, or R rating – The resource cannot be used.

Note: In all cases the official classification rating must be used in determining whether the resource is suitable: refer to the Australian Government Attorney-General’s classification website for the information for schools – showing films and playing computer games fact sheetExternal Link . Television classifications and warnings must also be heeded, for example, warnings about disturbing images and sexual references.

Important: Schools must obtain a licence to play films for non-educational purposes. Refer to: S283-2011 The Co-Curricular Licence for Screening — A Licence to Screen Films for Non-Educational Purposes (DOC)External Link (staff login required).

Guidance chapter on selecting films and computer games for use in schools and parent consent requirements

Reviewed 19 June 2024

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