
Improving school governance

School councils in Victoria must abide by the Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public EntitiesExternal Link (Code of Conduct), for further details refer to the Improving school governance guide:

See also the Victorian Public Sector Employment Principles and StandardsExternal Link .

Procedures and forms

Conflict of Interest resources

There are a number of Conflict of Interest (COI) resources designed to provide practical assistance to identify and address common COI scenarios, including factsheets, checklists, case studies and an Integrity Moment meeting discussion guide. Download the complete toolkit or relevant sections below:


Conduct and Integrity Branch provide advice upon request to principals and school council presidents on the management of conflicts of interest. The Integrity Enquiry and Support Service can be contacted by phone: 03 7022 5400 or email:

The School Operations and Governance Unit (SOGU), Regional Services, also provides advice and guidance on the management of conflicts of interest. Principals and school councillors can contact SOGU at

For department procurement and probity enquires, contact

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 18 June 2024

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