A failure to behave in the ways described in the Code of Conduct may be considered misconduct and in the most serious cases may lead to suspension or removal from office or school council.
Some examples of misconduct include:
- verbal abuse or harassment of other council members or the chairperson
- constantly interrupting speakers
- interjecting or making derogatory comments at a council meeting
- speaking against council decisions within the community
- breaching confidentiality
- disrespecting the differing points of view posed by other members of the council
- demeaning or disparaging comments or emails with regard to other council members
- failure to declare any conflicts of interest
- displaying behaviour that is inappropriate for adults entrusted to represent their school community and work towards desirable outcomes for the students in the school
- improper use of school council information
The school council president and the principal should be mindful of:
- council members acting contrary to the Code of Conduct within meetings
- speaking against council decisions to members of the community
School principals should:
- contact their Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL) in the first instance, to seek advice on how to move forward
Guidance chapter explaining misconduct for school councils
Reviewed 26 May 2020