School operations

Mobile Area Resource Centre and Mobile Art Craft Centre Services

Driving and vehicle maintenance

MARC and MACC teachers and their base school principals must comply with the department’s Work-Related Driving policy, which includes a step-by-step procedure that must be followed.

Vehicle maintenance

Vehicles used to transport MARC and MACC teachers to serviced schools must comply with the requirements listed in the Vehicles (Excluding Buses) – Owned or Hired by a School policy.

The vehicle should be garaged at the base school, or in close proximity if this is not feasible. Any changes to vehicle garaging arrangements must be approved by the committee of management. The budget implications for such a change must be clearly stated at the time of the request. The vehicle may be garaged at the home of the teacher where approval is granted by the committee of management and this does not incur additional costs.

Vehicle replacement

Base school principals are responsible for requesting van replacements.

Requests must be submitted to the area planning and implementation service support manager who will work with the regional finance manager to obtain regional director approval.

The following actions are required for vehicle replacement requests:

  1. Obtain 3 quotes for the replacement vehicle and include the following details:
    • purchase price comparison
    • running costs review
    • trade in and funds held at the school for replacement
    • the net shortfall the base school will be seeking reimbursement for.
  2. The school council must approve the purchase 'in principle', subject to the regional director’s approval.
  3. The 3 quotes and copy of school council endorsement must be provided to the area planning and implementation manager.
  4. The area planning and implementation manager will coordinate the request to the regional finance manager. The regional finance manager will arrange:
    • regional director approval
    • confirmation from the school resource branch that the shortfall can be funded.

Net shortfall funding is provided by way of reimbursement through the Schools Targeted Funding PortalExternal Link (staff login required) and requires regional director approval.

  1. Users must log into this site using their school account, for example, edu001\S123456.
  2. A tax invoice generated from CASES21 must be attached to the school’s claim.
  3. Evidence that the school has paid for the replacement vehicle and associated costs must be attached as supporting documents.

Area planning and implementation managers should refer any questions they have regarding the above process to the regional finance manager.

Includes information on work-related driving, vehicle maintenance and vehicle replacement

Reviewed 21 February 2025

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