School operations

Flexible Learning Options (FLOs)

5. Definitions and references


Annual implementation plan, outlining how a school plans to implement, monitor and evaluate its school strategic plan.

Computerised Administrative System Environment for Schools (CASES21) captures all data and records when enrolling a student at a school.

Department of Education of the state of Victoria.

The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes, an evidence-based framework for schools focused on lifting student outcomes.

Flexible Learning Option, as defined in section 1 of this policy.

Individual education plan or individual learning plan
A set of strategies to address the particular educational needs of a child or young person in order to maximise their participation and achievement in education.

Host school
The flexible learning campus or school receiving the student from referring school.

Referring school
The mainstream school that is referring the student to a FLO.

Region or regional team
Refers to the 4 Department of Education regions, including the 17 area teams.

Satellite VCE
The delivery of the VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate by a school, alone or in partnership with external agencies, at an external location.

Student Resource Package, which provides student-based and school-based funding to schools

School strategic plan — a school’s statement to its community that outlines its vision, goals and targets, and how these will be achieved, over the next 4 years.

Student Support Services — in-school specialised assistance for students facing a range of barriers to learning to achieve their educational and developmental potential.

Student support group
A partnership in the educational planning process between the student, teachers, principal and student’s family or carers, in order to develop an individual education plan and monitor a student’s progress.

Team Around the Learner — a framework for individualised, holistic and team-based approach to support learners at risk of disengaging. TAL involves key people working together to coordinate a plan to meet the needs of the learner and to support them to engage in education.

Victorian Certificate of Education.

VCE Vocational Major
A program of study within the VCE.

VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Contract
An arrangement whereby the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is fully delivered by a registered non-school senior secondary and foundation secondary provider (NSSSFSP) but contracted by a school.

Vocational Education and Training, as defined in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority.


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Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) (2015) Student wellbeing: a literature review. Government of New South Wales.

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Mills, M. and McGregor, G. (2010) Re-engaging students in education: Success factors in alternative schools. Brisbane: Youth Affairs Network Queensland.

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Mitchell (2014) What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education: Using Evidence-based teaching strategies. Second ed. Routledge, Oxon.

OfSTED (2017) School report: Michaela Community School, UK. Quality Framework for Flexible Learning Options

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Tate Consulting (2017) Alternative Provision: Effective Practice and Post 16 Transition. Department for Education, UK

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Chapter 5 of the Flexible Learning Options Mandatory Guidance and Procedures containing definitions and references

Reviewed 27 February 2023

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