This policy sets out the requirements for school referrals to Flexible Learning Options (FLOs), recording of FLO placements in CASES21 and quality assurance requirements in FLOs.
- A FLO is an educational setting that supports students at risk or already disengaged from education.
- Students at risk of disengagement should be attending FLOs only in instances where their needs are not able to be met in mainstream school and should only be used as a short-term option.
- The referral of a student to a FLO should be agreed upon between the referring school, the student, their family or carer and the FLO (and if required, approval by the region).
- It is mandatory that schools follow the Flexible Learning Options Mandatory Guidelines and Procedures set out in the Guidance tab when considering student eligibility and undertaking a referral to a FLO program at another campus or school.
- Where appropriate, schools must follow the FLO online referral approval (staff login required) to gain approval from the local area executive approver, or, in some specific circumstances, the regional director – refer to Referrals below for more information.
A FLO is an educational setting that supports students at risk or already disengaged from education.
FLOs are not a separate education sector in Victoria and operate within the frameworks and policies of Victorian government schools. FLOs complement the work of schools to ensure that all students can access a high-quality education. They generally offer highly individualised learning plans and have a strong focus on providing holistic support for a student’s engagement and wellbeing.
Types of FLOs
There are 3 interrelated categories of FLOs within the Victorian government education system:
- Flexible learning government schools – Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) registered specialist or specific purpose schools that primarily enrol students that are at risk or have already disengaged from education and offer a flexible, individualised curriculum
- Flexible learning campuses – learning settings or programs that are standalone, registered specialist or specific purpose campuses of Victorian government schools under the VRQA that are specifically targeted at students at risk of disengagement and are provided as an alternative to the main campus
- Flexible in-school programs – learning programs that are delivered within a main campus of a school to support students enrolled at that school who are at risk of disengagement. They can be in partnership with other schools or external providers. These programs should be incorporated into a student’s existing learning program.
Note: There are a range of non-government flexible settings that offer similar supports, such as re-engagement programs for years 7 to 10 and VCE, including the VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) delivered by a non-school senior secondary or foundation secondary provider (NSSFSP). These are not within the scope of this policy.
Further information on these settings can be found in the department’s Re-engagement Programs Policy.
Eligibility to attend a Victorian government FLO
Students at risk of disengagement should be referred to a FLO only in the instance where their needs are not able to be met in mainstream school, and where in-school strategies and interventions (such as access to specialist services and classroom differentiation) are unsuitable or have proven to be ineffective. Students may be considered at risk of disengaging based on the following indicators:
- low or non-attendance
- literacy and/or numeracy outcomes
- behaviours of concern
- a history of school exclusion.
The student should present, at a minimum, multiple indicators that they are at high risk of disengaging from education or are already disengaged from education.
FLOs should be considered as a short-term intervention and the focus should be on supporting the student to return to mainstream school, or into further education, training or employment.
For detailed guidance on eligibility, refer to: Flexible Learning Options Mandatory Guidelines and Procedures.
The referral of a student to a FLO must always be agreed between the referring school, the student, their family or carer, the FLO host school (and if required, the region), and must first and foremost consider the best interests of the young person.
The specific eligibility criteria of each FLO will vary.
FLO online referral approval process
Schools and/or department regional staff must use the FLO Online referral (staff login required) to gain approval from the local area approver when referring a student to:
- a FLO learning campus of the referring school or another school. This includes Satellite VCE, including the VCE Vocational Major or Satellite VPC certificates at a campus/site external to the main campus
- a FLO in-school program offered by another school.
Specific additional approval is required by the regional director for referrals of students who:
- are under 15 years of age
- are being referred following an expulsion
- are in out-of-home care
- have been involved in the youth justice system
- identify as Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander, or
- are eligible for funding under the Program for Students with Disabilities or Disability Inclusion Tier 3 funding (DI Tier 3).
A referral is not required for:
- flexible learning government schools
- other flexible learning settings and arrangements not in scope (refer to Scope and definitions of ).
For further information on referral considerations and processes, refer to the Flexible Learning Options Mandatory Guidelines and Procedures.
Recording student placement in a FLO
The referring school is required to record student placement in a FLO in CASES21. This applies only for a placement in a FLO campus or FLO in school program. Please refer to the guidance section for more information: Student referrals to Flexible Learning Options.
Transitions and pathways from FLOs
FLOs should prioritise the achievement of meaningful education or employment pathways for students beyond the program. It is expected that FLOs have a clear transition plan for every student documented in their individual education plan (IEP). FLOs must also undertake regular Student Support Group (SSG) meetings for every student.
The FLO host school must advise the referring school once a student placement ends.
For detailed guidance on supporting transition at different school levels, refer to the Flexible Learning Options Mandatory Guidelines and Procedures.
Quality assurance in FLOs
Schools should draw on the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) in order to effectively plan and target resources towards initiatives that will have the greatest impact on improving student outcomes.
FLOs play an important role in complementing the work of schools to ensure that the system continues to support students at risk of disengaging and provides them with access to a high-quality education. FLOs are not considered a separate education sector in Victoria and operate within the frameworks and policies of Victorian government schools.
For additional guidance on FLOs and how they can embed FISO 2.0 principles in their planning, refer to: Developing key directions for the next school strategic plan: Flexible Learning Option settings (staff login required).
Flexible in-school programs
Learning programs that are delivered within a main campus of a school to support students enrolled at that school who are at risk of disengagement. They can be in partnership with other schools or external providers. These programs should be incorporated into a student’s existing learning program.
Flexible learning campuses
Learning settings or programs that are standalone, registered specialist or specific purpose campuses of Victorian government schools under the VRQA that are specifically targeted at students at risk of disengagement and are provided as an alternative to the main campus.
Flexible learning government schools
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) registered specialist or specific purpose schools that primarily enrol students that are at risk or have already disengaged from education and offer a flexible, individualised curriculum.
Host school
The flexible learning campus or in school program receiving the student from the referring school.
Referring school
The mainstream school who is referring the student to a FLO campus or FLO in school program.
Related policies
- Attendance
- Behaviour – Students
- Enrolment
- Expulsion
- Navigator Program
- Re-engagement Programs
- Student Engagement
- The student’s school is the first point of contact for queries regarding the FLO policy.
- Regional may also be contacted for queries regarding the Flexible Learning Options policy.
- Policy owner: Engaging Students at Risk Branch
Reviewed 27 February 2023