Policy last updated

11 July 2024


  • Schools
  • All Department staff

January 2020


Log in to eduMail or education mailExternal Link

Your employee number/email address and password are required


  • eduMail is the department’s messaging service. It manages email, calendar and contacts.
  • All employees, school council presidents and contractors have access to an eduMail account for the duration of their employment.
  • There are 3 ways that eduMail can be accessed:
    • Microsoft Outlook Client on a dedicated PC or laptop
    • Microsoft Outlook Web App, using a web browser such as Microsoft Edge
    • mobile device such as Android or iPhone.
  • A comprehensive suite of information and resources for using eduMail has been developed for staff members and is available in the Guidance and Resources tabs.
  • At all times, users must adhere to the department’s Acceptable Use Policy for ICT Resources, eduPass – Identity and Access Management in Schools policies and the department’s Password PolicyExternal Link (staff login required).
  • The eduMail service is a business service tool, provided to all staff, and personal use should be limited in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy, which states that, 'Users may use department ICT resources for personal reasons provided the use is not excessive and does not breach this policy.'
  • All items within employee eduMail accounts are the property of the department.


Setting up eduMail for a new staff member

Staff are automatically provisioned with an eduMail account upon commencement of employment following their details being processed in the department’s human resources system (eduPay). The account will remain active until they cease employment with the department.

To ensure staff are provisioned with an eduMail account, schools must ensure that staff details are entered into eduPay upon commencement of employment, according to the Recruitment in Schools policy.

For school staff, their eduMail account details (including email address and password) will automatically be emailed to the staff member’s school account which is managed by the school principal or business manager.

Upon provisioning of the staff member’s account, they will automatically be added to essential distribution lists which will not only allow them access to various resources but also allow them to receive important emails related to their work.

Account details will include a temporary password. The account owner is required to change their password and set their secret question and answers in eduPass within 14 days of the account being provisioned.

Staff must log in using these details and proceed to:

  • set up self-service password reset (SSPR) by selecting a set of secret questions and answers
  • change the account password
  • accept the department’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Options for accessing eduMail

There are 3 ways that eduMail can be accessed:

  • Microsoft Outlook on a dedicated PC or laptop
  • Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA), using web browser such as Microsoft Edge
  • mobile device such as Android or iPhone.

Logging in using Microsoft Outlook on a dedicated PC or laptop

A guide to setting up and using the Microsoft Outlook Client on Windows or Mac is available in the Resources tab.

Logging in using Microsoft Outlook Web App

Outlook Web App (OWA) allows you to access your eduMail account via a web browser. Staff are reminded that accessing eduMail using OWA should only be done on a secure device with the latest antivirus and Windows updates.

The eduMail Outlook on the web quick reference guide is available in the Resources tab.

Logging in using a mobile device

You can also access your eduMail account via your personal mobile device.

For instructions to help you set up your account on your Android or iPhone , refer to the eduMail mobile devices – quick reference guide in the Resources tab.


Using your eduMail account

There are functions you should be aware of once your eduMail account has been created.


You can update some of your personal information in your eduMail profile, this includes your name, title, and contact details.


Your eduMail email address and display name are based on your first and last name (or preferred name) as listed in eduPay.

Changing any part of your name (including changing/adding a preferred name) in eduPay will result in the following updates to your eduMail account:

  • update to your eduMail email address
  • update to your eduMail display name.

Once changes are made in eduPay, your previous email address will become a secondary email address attached to your email profile, allowing you to continue to receive emails from contacts who have registered your old email address. All new emails sent by you, will be sent from the new email address.

If changing any part of your name, always inform co-workers and external contacts of your new email address.


Your title is based on your staff position description as listed in your eduPay profile.

If you believe that your eduMail title is not a true reflection of your position, please consult with your school business manager or HR representative.

Contact details

Phone numbers

Contact details for school staff, such as phone number and mobile number, are based on contact details listed in eduPay. Once you update your contact details in eduPay they will appear in eduMail within 2 hours. Staff are reminded that when adding a mobile phone in eduPay, an entry made in the Mobile Business field will result in the number being published to eduMail allowing all staff (and students at your school) to have access to the mobile number. Any entry made into the Mobile Private field remains private and would only be used by HR in the event of an emergency.

Office details

Your school or office location and work address are sourced from eduPay. If you change schools or office location, your eduMail location details will be automatically updated within 4 hours of your new location being updated in the eduPay.


All users of the department’s ICT systems and applications including staff, teachers, contractors and any other individuals and organisations who have been granted access are covered by the Password Policy (derived from the department’s ICT Security Policy).

For requirements for new passwords, refer to: Password PolicyExternal Link (staff login required).

Manage your password via the self-service options:

For more information, refer to: eduPass – Identity and Access Management in Schools.

Mailbox size

eduMail accounts are created with a predefined mailbox quota. You will receive an automated email message to alert you when you are approaching the mailbox threshold.

If you ignore these messages and your mailbox reaches the threshold, you will be prevented from sending and receiving emails. Services to your account will be restored once you reduce the size of your mailbox.


There is a 20 MB limit for both sending and receiving emails with attachments. This limitation is in place to efficiently manage and maintain the eduMail service.
If you need to send a document that is larger than 20 MB, there are alternative methods you can use. These include:

  • sharing files, documents, photos using SharePoint online or OneDrive and providing staff with a link to document
  • compressing the file using a program such as WinZip
  • splitting up the file into multiple smaller portions and email separately
  • converting the attachment/s to PDF (portable document files).

Email signature

Your email signature allows you to communicate your essential contact details at the end of emails. A standard signature block should include:

  • your name
  • your title (including if you are in an acting capacity)
  • your school (or office) location
  • which days you are available
  • how to contact you (including work phone number, your email address and school email address, the department’s web address: Link , school physical address).

To learn more about email signatures, visit Email signature blocksExternal Link (staff login required).



eduMail user resources

Staff can visit the eduMail intranet pageExternal Link (staff login required) for a range of supporting resources and user guides.

Frequently asked questions:

A range of eduMail quick guides and quick reference guidesExternal Link (staff login required) are also available on the following topics:

Reviewed 29 March 2020