
FoodCheckerExternal Link – Schools can use this tool to help classify individual recipes and food/drink products, plan healthy canteen menus, and find Everyday (green) and Select Carefully (amber) products that can be supplied in schools.

School Confectionery Guidelines

Confectionery – definition and examples (DOCX)External Link provides a definition and examples of confectionery for schools to use when selecting products to supply in canteens.

Practical implementation support

Healthy Eating Advisory Service

The Healthy Eating Advisory ServiceExternal Link supports schools to provide and promote nutritious foods and drinks in line with department policy.

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service provides a range of services and resourcesExternal Link including:

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service can help schools to:

  • apply the Healthy Eating, Canteens and Other Food Services policy
  • understand the roles school leadership, staff, students, families and the community can play in supporting healthy eating in their school
  • develop a healthy eating policy or embed nutrition into an existing one
  • embed healthy eating throughout the whole school environment
  • promote healthy eating in the curriculum, and to families
  • work with canteen/food service providers and food suppliers
  • plan budget-friendly recipes and menus.

Further information is available on the Healthy Eating Advisory Service websiteExternal Link or by calling the free infoline on 1300 22 52 88. The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is run by Nutrition Australia Vic Division, with support from the Victorian Government.

Vic Kids Eat Well

Vic Kids Eat WellExternal Link is designed to support schools to implement the Healthy Eating, Canteens and Other Food Services policy and focuses on:

  • refreshing the fridge – promoting water and reducing sugary drinks
  • switching up the snacks – reducing sweets and switching to delicious, healthy snacks
  • changing up the menu – boosting healthy options and giving fruit and veg the chance to shine
  • putting the fun into fundraising and marketing – adding health appeal to meal deals and boost healthy fundraising.

Schools receive guidance and support from a dedicated health professional and can also access a range of resources and promotional materials.

Healthy Schools Achievement Program

Schools that participate in Vic Kids Eat Well are encouraged to continue their healthy eating journey through the Healthy Schools Achievement ProgramExternal Link to enhance their achievements by supporting a whole-of-school approach.

The Healthy Schools Achievement Program is a health and wellbeing framework that helps schools create healthier environments for working, learning and playing. It provides quality health promotion benchmarks and government recognition for key areas of health – including healthy eating – and is aligned to the World Health Organisation's model for Health Promoting Schools and Healthy Workplaces.

Student Leaders for Multicultural Inclusion Resource

The department’s Multicultural Inclusion Resource (PDF)External Link provides advice to schools to help them ensure that amenities such as canteens are culturally inclusive. Please refer to the reflection tool on page 8.

Curriculum support

Additional information and resources on healthy eating and physical activity are available from:

The Good Practice Guide: Supporting healthy eating and drinking at school

The Good Practice Guide: Supporting healthy eating and drinking at schoolExternal Link provides advice for supporting healthy eating and drinking in the school environment. It was originally created and published by the Council of Australian Governments Health Council in 2019.

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 04 July 2024

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