4. Record keeping

Documents related to this policy should be managed and retained in accordance with the Records Management – School Records Policy. Records include, but are not limited to:

  • any information provided by the operator, including
    • information about the safe use of the item and on the hazard identification, risk assessment and control of risks carried out by the operator
    • inspection and maintenance records
    • public liability insurance certificate of currency
    • Working with Children Clearance information
    • evidence of qualifications and experience
    • approval for the conduct of a fireworks display
    • evidence of the design being registered with WorkSafe
    • any further evidence provided on the safety for specific rides
  • parent/carer consent, where required
  • supervision arrangements
  • school’s risk management and planning documentation
  • written agreements.
Includes information on record keeping obligations related to this policy

Reviewed 10 October 2022

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