School operations

Amusement Rides, Attractions and Fireworks

2. Hazard, incident and near miss reporting

In the event of an emergency or critical incident, schools must follow their Emergency Management Plan and the department’s policy on Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies). Schools are encouraged to review their Emergency Management Plan to ensure it includes a response to an emergency or critical incident that may occur. Hazards, incidents and near misses involving amusement rides, attractions or fireworks must be reported in eduSafe Plus. eduSafe Plus can help with allocation of tasks and management of hazards.

It is likely that any incidents or near misses involving amusement rides, attractions or fireworks is a notifiable incidentExternal Link and must be reported to WorkSafe on 13 23 60. Further information on reporting incidents to WorkSafe is available on the Managing and Reporting School Incidents guidance chapter: Stage 2 – Reporting an incident.

Includes information on reporting obligations on eduSafe Plus and to WorkSafe

Reviewed 10 October 2022

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