School operations

Youth Justice – Additional Support for Young People

8. Supporting young people in custody

Victorian young people in youth custody, often face the most complex barriers to engagement in education and may have significant history of trauma and offending behaviour.

For these young people, time in custody must be used as an opportunity to change trajectories, to establish a positive plan for the future. Positive transitions are underpinned by strong and caring relationships with educators (both in custody and in the return school or setting) and strong partnerships with parents/carers and community.

The action list (PPTX)External Link sets out practical and deliberate steps that must be taken to support young people in custody to make successful transitions. This action list sets out the roles and responsibilities of:

  • Parkville College
  • schools and settings who hold or accept an enrolment for a young person.

By providing in-reach, and appointing a learning mentor to build and maintain meaningful relationships, return schools and settings can make a significant difference in the trajectory of a young person’s life and in the likelihood that they will make a successful transition from custody.

Drastic differences in transition outcomes have been recorded where schools have taken simple steps to stay in touch and ensure the young person and their parents/carers feel connected.

Guidance chapter on supporting young people in custody

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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