On this page:
2. Risk controls – overview
2.1 Development and selection of risk controls
Appropriate risk controls are critical to ensure staff are provided with the highest level of prevention of and protection from work-related violence (WRV). To discharge their responsibilities as site manager, the principal and/or their delegate, in consultation with the health and safety representative (HSR) and employees, must eliminate or (if this is not possible) reduce the level of WRV risk so far as is reasonably practicable, by considering the workplace factors in section of this procedure.
General principles for the development and selection of risk controls include:
- Activities to control the risk should be school and work-group specific. Where Department resources or programs are drawn upon, they should be adapted to the specific context of the school.
- Activities to control the risk should be targeted at both school environment (physical and online) and community (teachers, students, parents/carers and others) factors identified through a risk assessment.
- Risk-control plans should focus on prevention of incidents, but also cover prevention or reduction of health, safety and wellbeing impacts where incidents do occur.
- Risk-control plans should focus on organisational-level interventions but also include individual-level interventions.
- Employee induction, instruction and training should form part of a holistic approach to addressing WRV.
Examples of risk controls and resources and supports for different workplace factors are set out in the Work-Related Violence Risk Controls, Resources and Supports Table .
2.2 Record current risk controls
The principal and/or their delegate should consult the HSR and relevant employees and record the current risk controls in the OHS risk register .
Where a risk assessment is to be completed, current risk controls should also be recorded in the Risk Assessment Template or equivalent.
2.3 Information, instruction and training
The principal and/or their delegate must ensure all employees are informed about the risk controls in place to manage WRV in the workplace. This can be achieved by:
- ensuring all employees complete an OHS induction prior to commencing work
- promoting and encouraging employees to report hazards (for example, psychosocial hazards), near misses and incidents on eduSafe (staff login required)
and by providing employees with:
- a copy of the school OHS Risk Register and completed risk assessments and the opportunity to raise questions and participate in consultative processes
- information about likely WRV hazards they may encounter in their work
- information from the Department about existing resources and strategies to reduce the risk of WRV related injuries
- information about the Employee Assistance Program and how to access it.
2.4 Monitor, review and revise controls
Due to the complexity of workplace factors that can cause WRV related injury, it is important that WRV risks are managed on an ongoing basis, regularly reviewed, and revised when necessary. The principal or their delegate are required to monitor and review the effectiveness of implemented risk controls on a regular basis (for example, quarterly) in consultation with HSR and relevant employees.
Review of controls must be ongoing. However, additional reviews and revisions are required when:
- an incident or near miss is reported that indicates the risks and controls need updating
- a new potential risk is identified (for example, through a report on eduSafe Plus).
Reviewed 20 June 2024