
Frequently asked questions

Application forms

Individual travel plan

Notice of concern

SDTP notice of concern (DOCX)External Link – for documenting instances of student behaviours of concern on school bus.

Route approval

Route approval form (DOCX)External Link – for bus operators and school staff.

This is a new requirement and will replace the MOU from 2023.

Memorandum of Understanding template

Note: the Student Transport Unit is transitioning away from the MOU at the end of 2022. The Route approval template will replace the MOU in 2023.

SDTP MOU template (DOCX)External Link – a template for bus operators and schools.

Contract change

SDTP contract change form (DOCX)External Link – for bus operators to seek the Student Transport Unit’s approval of a change to the special school bus service contract.

Bus roll

SDTP bus roll template (XLSX)External Link – schools must maintain a roll of students travelling by bus. Data used to inform the roll should be retained within the Cases 21 transport module.

Travel Education Framework

Travel Education Framework (TEF) (DOCX)External Link – helps schools develop their travel education program.

SDTP Emergency Management Operational Guidelines

Online learning and training

Online learning moduleExternal Link – aims to educate school and bus staff about their roles and responsibilities under the program.

Student Transport Module (Cases 21)

Student Transport Module (Cases 21)External Link accessible through the CASES21 PortalExternal Link – used to record all student travel information for each school. Schools can access the Module in Chapter 20 of the C21 Administrative User Guide accessible through this portal.

Department process guidelines for the review or establishment of DTAs

Contact details – external agencies

Public Transport Victoria – to determine where public transport is available for independent travel
Phone: 1800 800 007
Web: Link .

VicRoads – for advice about child restraints and seating positions in a vehicle
Phone: 131 171
Web: Link .

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic, including application forms and an individual travel plan template

Reviewed 24 July 2024

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