3 Risk management

For schools that have a pool on their site, the principal and/or their delegate must ensure the risks associated with their pool are managed. These include:

  • chemical management
  • water safety
  • plant and equipment management — such as, plant rooms
  • gates and fences
  • ladders and diving boards

3.1 Chemical management

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that hazardous substances and dangerous goods are managed in accordance with the Chemical Management Policy. This includes the following:

  • identify all pool chemicals that are classified as dangerous goods and/or hazardous chemicals in consultation with relevant parties, including the HSR and employees
  • record all such substances on the workplace Chemical Register (XLSX)External Link or equivalent template, and make the register available to all relevant parties
  • obtain and review Safety Data Sheets for each substance to determine the risks to employees, students and other pool users
  • conduct a Risk Assessment (DOCX)External Link in order to rate the risks associated with chemical management and identify ways to eliminate / reduce the risks to all users of the pool
  • ensure chemicals are stored in a secure area away from weather extremes
  • ensure emergency evacuation, safe containment and management procedures are in place for any dangerous goods stored and used on site
  • develop a Safe Work Procedure — for chemical risks that are identified as 'high' using the Safe Work Procedure Template (DOCX)External Link and provide the necessary training for employees to comply with them
  • investigate incidents, review risk controls and keep records of the process for at least 5 years
  • monitor and review the safety systems to make sure the risk is being adequately managed
  • ensure quantities of chemicals are kept to a minimum to decrease manual handling risk associated with these

For further information, please refer to the following:

3.2 Water safety management

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that water risks are in accordance with the Swimming Instruction and Water Safety Policy as well as ensure that all fences and gates are in good working order.

3.3 Plant and equipment management

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that plant and equipment associated with the swimming pool are maintained and managed in accordance with the Plant and Equipment Management Policy and the OHS Risk Management Policy. This includes the following:

  • plant rooms that store hazardous chemicals, dangerous goods mechanical pumps, electrical equipment etc., are locked at all times and only accessible by trained personnel
  • plant rooms display signage on the plant room door highlighting danger chemicals
  • ensure that no fittings are broken or missing
  • ensure that all suction fittings, grates or covers are secure and in good condition
  • all electrical sources and equipment should be sheltered from water, as a result of weather, over splash or cleaning processes
  • residual Current Device (i.e. Safety Switches) should be installed on all circuits supplying power to the pool or associated equipment
  • risk controls should be regularly reviewed to ensure appropriateness

3.4 Gates and fences management

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that safety barriers surrounding the pool are managed in accordance with the OHS Risk Management Policy. This includes the following:

  • ensure all fences and gates are maintained in good working order
  • ensure there are no objects that could be used to climb into the pool area
  • ensure that fences and gates have no sharp edges and projections

3.5 Slips, trips and falls

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the risks of slipping, tripping and falling are managed in accordance with the OHS Risk Management Policy. This includes the following:

  • ensure that non-slip mats are placed in areas which are high risk
  • ensure that equipment (e.g. flotation aids) can be stored in suitable receptacles
  • contrast the edge of the pool in a different colour
  • ensure slippery steps have non-slip surface protection
  • ensure broken tiles are replaced (if applicable)
  • ensure areas are kept clean and tidy
Chapter 3 of the Swimming Pool Risk Management Procedure on managing risks associated with pools on school grounds, including chemicals, water safety, fences and slips, trips and falls

Reviewed 21 June 2024

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