School operations

Student Resource Package – Overview

Student Resource Package

The Student Resource Package was introduced for Victorian government schools in 2005 to bring about improvement in learning outcomes for students. In 2022, the Department of Education undertook a review of the SRP objectives and established a new set of forward-looking objectives that will be in place until 2028.


  1. In combination with other funding, schools are appropriately resourced to create an inclusive environment where all students have access to a high-quality education.
  2. Funding allocations are equitable, accounting for student needs, alongside school and community characteristics.
  3. Funding allocations are informed by contemporary evidence of the cost of delivering quality school education.
  4. Funding allocations to schools are transparent and coherent to ensure funding streams work together to support student outcomes.
  5. Schools are provided with policies and guidelines to enable them to effectively plan their expenditure.

Features of the Student Resource Package

The SRP features a distinction between student-based funding, school-based funding and targeted initiatives.

  • Student-based funding is the major source of resources. It is driven by the levels of schooling of students and their family and community. characteristics. It consists of allocations for core student learning and equity. The majority of funding within this area is allocated through per student rates.
  • School-based funding provides for school infrastructure and programs specific to individual schools.
  • Targeted initiatives include programs with specific targeting criteria and/or defined life spans.

School SRP Interactive Site

To see budget and planner reports for principals and delegates, visit Student Resource PackageExternal Link (staff login required).

Guidance chapter providing an overview of the Student Resource Package

Reviewed 12 September 2023

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