School operations

Student Resource Package – Overview

Funding Allocation and Annual Budget Cycle

The SRP framework is based on funding allocations and the annual budget cycle.

Funding allocations

Funds allocated in each component are nominated as either credit, for salaries paid on eduPay, or cash for expenses incurred locally. Schools can interchange funding between credit and cash.

Funds are allocated against the components of the SRP:

  • student-based funding (core student learning allocation and equity)
  • school-based funding (school infrastructure and school-specific programs)
  • targeted initiatives.

The funds allocated in each component are nominated as either:

  • credit for salaries paid on eduPay
  • cash for expenses incurred locally.

Schools can interchange funding between credit and cash.

Annual budget cycle

Schools receive their Student Resource Package and relevant updates according to the following cycle.


Student Resource Package — issued in September or October of the preceding year using enrolment projections advised by schools.

This budget provides the basis for planning.


Student Resource Package — issued in March of the budget year, based on the annual enrolment census.


Student Resource Package (where applicable) — may be issued for updates or changes during the year, for example following audit corrections to the census or as a result of mobility of students with disability..

Guidance chapter on the components of the Student Resource Package and how funding is allocated through the annual budget cycle

Reviewed 20 April 2022

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