School operations

School Review

4. Pre-review self-evaluation

Schools must complete the pre-review self-evaluation (PRSE) in the Strategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT)External Link at least 4 weeks prior to the validation day.

How to complete the PRSE

The PRSE includes the following sections, and schools analyse and upload data and supporting evidence on performance, practices and processes for each of these:

  • reflection on school performance against the last School Strategic Plan (SSP)
  • reflection on other significant findings including student learning or wellbeing outcomes not captured in the previous SSP
  • reflection on implementation of professional learning communities
  • self-assessment against the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) continua of practice
  • self-assessment of compliance against the Curriculum and Student Learning Minimum Standard and department policy requirements.

Evaluating targets with new NAPLAN assessment data

Changes to NAPLAN assessment and reporting in 2023 have implications for how schools assess against NAPLAN-related targets.

Changes to NAPLAN reporting mean that schools will not be able to assess progress against NAPLAN targets in their School Strategic Plan set under the previous reporting process. Schools should therefore select the ‘not able to assess’ option on the PRSE for any NAPLAN targets.

Schools are encouraged to continue to consider their pre and post-2023 NAPLAN data as part of a holistic approach to reflecting on school performance in the PRSE.

For more information on the changes to NAPLAN, refer to the resources available on PanoramaExternal Link .

Changes to the calculation of data from the Attitudes to School Survey, School Staff Survey and Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey

As outlined in the November 2023 School UpdateExternal Link , the department has made a minor change to the calculation of results in the Attitudes to School Survey (AToSS), School Staff Survey (SSS) and Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey (PCGOS), such that the 'percentage positive endorsement' may increase a little, compared to previously available 2019 to 2022 data.

For most schools, the changes will have a minimal impact on results. Where there is a more notable change to the data, schools can use the percentage increment (that is, growth) specified in the targets to assess whether the target is 'met', 'partially met' or 'not met'.

For further information on the changes to perception survey reporting, refer to Update to the calculation of student, staff and parent opinion survey results and Panorama.

Reflection on performance against the School Strategic Plan

The school assesses performance against the goals and targets in the previous School Strategic Plan (SSP), including:

  • assessing whether goals and targets were met, partially met, not met, no longer relevant or not able to assess with evidence of outcomes for each target
  • identifying enablers and challenges for meeting goals and targets.

In relation to the 'priorities goal' that was introduced into the Annual Implementation Plan in 2021, schools can reflect on performance as follows:

  • where the school’s existing SSP goals align to the priorities goal, address priorities goal work in the relevant SSP goal
  • if existing SSP goals do not directly align to the priorities goal, acknowledge this in the enablers and challenges sections, and where relevant, note that improvement efforts were reprioritised away from the SSP goals towards the priorities goal. This can be further expanded upon in the ‘other significant findings’ section described below
  • for more information on the priorities goal, refer to the guidance tab in the department’s Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) policyExternal Link .
Examples of SSP data and measures
  • Panorama, including the dashboards and supplementary schools report
  • School performance data report
  • AIP mid-year monitoring and end-of year assessments over the last SSP period
  • School level data identified in SSP targets (if relevant)

Other significant findings

The school reflects on other significant findings and student learning or wellbeing outcomes not captured in the school's last SSP.

These can include:

  • other learning and wellbeing outcomes, for example where school improvement efforts related to the priorities goal were not reflected in the previous SSP, or where improvement priorities for the school have changed since the last SSP. This could include numeracy now being an area of focus for the school if not identified as a goal in the previous SSP. Note that where the school’s existing SSP goals aligned with the department-wide priorities, the priorities goal does not need to be explicitly addressed in this section
  • outcomes for priority cohorts, including how the school is supporting these students, in particular equity funded students, students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, students with a disability and/or additional learning needs, and students who speak English as an additional language
  • any other considerations, initiatives, and programs not captured in the previous SSP and were identified as significant.
Examples of data and evidence
  • Panorama, including the dashboards and supplementary school report
  • School performance data report
  • AIP mid-year monitoring and end-of year assessments over the last SSP period
  • Panorama dashboard reports for priority cohorts
  • Monitoring of individual learning or education plan goals
  • Monitoring of the school’s implementation of the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan 2016–2026
  • Evidence collected by the school as part of demonstrating compliance with Child Safe Standard 1: Establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued. For more information refer to the Child Safe Standards PAL topic
  • Other data from local assessments or surveys

Professional learning communities

Schools that have completed the core professional learning for the Victorian Professional Learning Communities (PLC) initiative reflect on the implementation of PLCs in their school. The school identifies 3 principles of effective PLCsExternal Link that are strengths for the school and describes current practices for each.

Example evidence
  • Documentation showing how PLCs are being implemented in the school, such as a PLC vision statement, meeting timetables, PLC leader role descriptions, examples of PLC agendas/minutes, norms, and so on
  • Assessment monitoring data showing impact of improvement cycles

Framework for Improvement Student Outcomes 2.0 continua of practice self-assessment

Schools self-assess their practices against the FISO 2.0 continua of practice for each of the 5 core elements.

Data sources to be explored for each core element are identified in the FISO 2.0 system measures (DOCX)External Link . Refer to the FISO 2.0 PAL topic under practice tools guidance.

Examples of additional school level data sources
  • Formative and summative assessments
  • Classroom observations or learning walks
  • Observations of PLC meetings
  • Documentation of practices, for example documented instructional model, curriculum resources, planning documents, assessment resources
  • Data relating to perceptions and experiences collected through interviews, focus groups or pulse-check surveys

Engaging the school community when preparing the PRSE

Principals can involve their school improvement team, school leadership team or other nominated staff.

The school community, including staff, students, families and school council members, should be consulted to support the preparation and completion of the PRSE.

Further advice for small schools and specialist schools regarding the PRSE can be found in the Advice for small schools and Advice for specialist and specific purpose school settings guidance chapters.

Example PRSE activities

  • Planning meetings with the school improvement team, school leadership team, and/or SEIL, and including other regional staff if needed
  • Seeking input from the school community through focus groups, surveys or other forums to gather feedback, analyse evidence and/or validate findings
  • Forming working groups to undertake specific tasks or activities, such as evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a new learning or wellbeing program
  • Hosting an event, facilitated by students, to engage with their families and community and gather ideas and feedback in an informal setting, such as Camp Fire Conversations with Koorie students and families
  • Identifying the most important school community highlights from the last 4 years. This can include programs or initiatives the school has successfully implemented, capital works upgrades, or major events such as school productions or concerts

Accessing the PRSE on SPOT

The PRSE is available on SPOT 2 terms before the review.

The PRSE will be linked to the most recent SSP (or AIP for new schools), and can be accessed by the principal, SEIL and school council president. The department will grant reviewers access as needed. The principal can provide access to other school leaders or staff if needed using the 'Delegate editing rights' section at the top of the My School page in SPOT.

Finalising the PRSE

When the PRSE is complete, the principal can use the attest and submit button in the Review and endorse tab to submit the PRSE for SEIL approval. The SEIL can revert the PRSE to draft if changes are needed, in discussion with the principal. Upon SEIL approval, the PRSE can be shared with panel members, ideally 4 weeks before the review.

For further information or questions regarding SPOT refer to the SPOT troubleshooting guide (DOCX)External Link (staff login required) or contact the School Planning and Annual Reporting Unit via

Guidance chapter outlining the process of undertaking a pre-review self-evaluation (PRSE)

Reviewed 06 March 2024

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