School operations

School Council – Meetings

Special and first school council meeting after the poll

The principal chairs both:

  • the special meeting to co-opt community members, held prior to the first school council meeting
  • the first school council meeting after the declaration of the election poll to elect office bearers

Special meeting to co-opt community members

If a school council is required to have community members co-opted to the school council:

  • the principal must call and preside at a special meeting for the purpose of co-opting the community members, before office-bearers are elected
  • at this special meeting, the quorum is constituted if not less than one-half of the members of school council currently holding office are present

If the purpose of co-option of community members cannot be achieved at this meeting:

  • the meeting may be adjourned to a date decided by the meeting
  • the school council may proceed to the first meeting of the school council to elect office-bearers

First school council meeting to elect office bearers

If a school council is not required to have community members co-opted to the council the principal must call and preside at the first meeting of the school council to elect a president and any other office-bearers the council may choose to have.

A Department employee is ineligible to serve as president or vice-president if the council choose to elect one.

The school business manager is ineligible to serve as treasurer.

The quorum for the first meeting of the school council to elect office bearers requires:

  • not less than one half of school council members currently holding office to be present at the meeting
  • the majority of members present must not be Department employees

When electing office bearers

If the votes are tied, the school council may:

  • hold a new election or
  • decide the election by the drawing of lots

If the votes are subsequently tied under the new election, the school council may:

  • decide the election by the drawing of lot or
  • conduct further elections until the election of the officer bearers in decided
Guidance chapter on special meetings held to co-opt school council Community members and first meetings held after the poll

Reviewed 21 January 2021

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