Public Reporting and Extraordinary meetings
Public Reporting Meeting
A school council must call a public reporting meeting at least once each year, and:
- report the proceedings of the council since the date of the previous public meeting
- present the endorsed Annual Report to the meeting, and
- if the school council accounts have been audited, present a copy of the audited accounts
The public reporting meeting can be held during the year at a time that suits the school community and school council activities and commitments.
Extraordinary meetings
An extraordinary meeting of a school council may be held at a time decided by the council if all members are given reasonable notice of the:
- time
- date
- place, and
- object of the meeting
The council president, or in the president’s absence, the principal must call an extraordinary meeting if either of them receives a written request to do so from at least 3 council members by sending a notice to all school council members giving the members reasonable notice of the:
- time
- date
- place, and
- object of the meeting
The business of the extraordinary meeting must only cover the specific matter for which it is called.
Reviewed 20 July 2020