Schools have primary responsibility for the delivery of curriculum for their students. However in certain circumstances schools may choose to purchase the VET qualification and/or units of competency that are 'fit for purpose', have local industry recognition, and are age appropriate for school students to undertake within a senior secondary or foundation secondary certificate. Government schools may choose a VET qualification or units of competency that make up the VET qualification from a range of RTOs for a nominated group of students.
There are various reasons why schools would purchase a VET qualification and/or units of competency, including:
- the school is not registered to deliver the VET qualification and/or units of competency - the school is not an RTO, or the school is an RTO but does not have the VET qualification and/or units of competency listed on their scope of registration
- teachers do not have sufficient training experience or qualifications to deliver the VET qualification and/or units of competency as required under standards required by VRQA or ASQA
- the school does not have the industry standard facilities and equipment to conduct the training under standards required by VRQA or ASQA
It is important for all schools to ensure that they continue to meet their responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with Department policy when purchasing VET qualifications and/or units of competency from RTOs.
Delivery of VET by an RTO
Schools can enter into a purchase arrangement with an RTO on a ‘fee for service’ basis for the RTO to directly deliver the training and assessment of the VET qualification and/or units of competency to secondary students.
The RTOs can deliver the VET in a number of different settings:
- at the RTO site
- in the school or Trade Training Centre (TTC) or Trade Skills Centre (TSC)
- a combination of the above
In some circumstances, schools can work collaboratively to develop partnership arrangements where they cluster for the purchasing of VET qualifications and/or units of competency from RTOs.
Auspice Arrangements
In auspicing arrangements, the training and assessment of the VET qualification and/or units of competency are delivered by the school under the supervision of an RTO. The RTO is responsible for the issuing of qualifications and/or the ‘statement of attainment’, and must ensure that the school’s training and assessment meets the requirements of VRQA or ASQA.
Before establishing an auspicing arrangement, schools should consider if they can and want the VET qualification and/or units of competency to be delivered on their premises. It will be important to consider if the school’s premises meet the requirements for the delivery of the relevant certificate and that the RTO is able to auspice the VET qualification and/or units of competency. The RTO may assist in this regard by auditing school staff and facilities to consider opportunities for auspicing of identified units of competency.
Where an RTO auspices the school’s delivery of the VET qualification and/or units of competency, the teachers in the school who will deliver the program must have all of the following:
- hold either registration as a teacher or Permission To Teach (PTT) with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (see Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic))
- hold Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40116) or an approved equivalent
- have the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed
- can demonstrate current industry skills directly relevant to the training/assessment being undertaken and
- continue to develop their VET knowledge and skills as well as their industry currency and trainer/assessor competence (see Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations Section 15.4 and Australian Quality Training Framework — Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration Section 1.4)
Where staff are engaged in providing services at a school and are absent due to unforeseen circumstances, replacement staff must be found that satisfy the criteria listed above. If such replacement staff satisfy the above criteria but not the requirement to hold either registration as a teacher or Permission To Teach with the Victorian Institute of Teaching, the replacement staff can be utilised if they are supervised by a VIT registered teacher.
An auspice arrangement can:
- provide sustainable delivery of the VET qualification and/or units of competency in a school’s curriculum, with the teacher delivering within the school’s existing timetable structure
- provide the opportunity to exchange ideas and agree to share expertise, effort, equipment, costs and resources for mutual benefit
- allow schools to host and deliver to students from other schools in their auspiced VET qualification and/or units of competency
Permission To Teach and VET
The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) has developed a category of Permission to Teach (PTT) designated for VET trainers. For more information on PTT, including PTT (VET), visit the VIT website: Applying for Permission to
Written Agreements
All schools entering into direct arrangements with RTOs must have a valid, signed contract. There are four standard Contracts and Agreements that schools must use for the purchase of the VET qualification and/or units of competency.
The four types of templates are:
- Standard VET Purchasing Contract
- Standard VET Auspicing Contract
- School to School VET Purchasing Agreement
- School to School VET Access Agreement
The Standard Contracts and Agreements for use by schools are available on the Resources tab.
1. Standard VET Purchasing Contract
This contract is to be used by schools when purchasing a VET qualification and/or units of competency from an RTO and the VET program is to be delivered and assessed by the external RTO’s own staff. Site of delivery can be either at the School or RTO (or at an alternative agreed upon site).
The school’s ongoing monitoring of the contract is important to ensure continuing value for money and that deliverables are being met according to the contract.
2. Standard VET Auspicing Contract
This contract is to be used for the purpose of a school entering into an auspicing arrangement with an RTO.
That is where the school is in a position to deliver some or all of the VET qualification and/or units of competency to their students using their own staff and facilities, however, the school is not an RTO, or the school is an RTO but does not have the VET qualification and/or units of competency listed on their scope of registration.
In these arrangements an RTO is engaged to provide oversight and monitoring of the school’s teaching of the program to ensure that registration requirements are met. This may include (but is not limited to):
- professional development
- supervision of staff
- curriculum materials
- validation of assessment
All certification is provided by the RTO and the RTO is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the registering body – either ASQA or VRQA.
3. School to School VET Purchasing Agreement
This agreement is to be used for the purpose of a government school entering into an access arrangement with another government school where the Host School is also an RTO.
This agreement is only applicable when a government school purchases from another government school.
4. School to School VET Access Agreement
This agreement is to be used for the purpose of a government school entering into an access arrangement with another government school where the Host School has an agreement with an RTO for either auspicing or direct delivery of VET qualifications.
This agreement is only valid when a government school purchases from another government school. In these arrangements the Accessing School is required to read and understand the Host School’s contract (the Host School is required to have in place a Standard VET Auspicing Contract or Standard VET Purchasing Contract).
Schools have primary responsibility for the delivery of curriculum for their students
Reviewed 17 March 2023