School operations

Plant and Equipment Management

2. Risk assessment of plant and equipment

The principal and/or their delegate are to ensure that a risk assessment is completed and documented in the Plant and equipment risk management form (DOCX)External Link or equivalent. A risk assessment should be completed for each identified hazardous item of plant and equipment in consultation with:

  • HSR
  • employees
  • relevant standards, codes of practice or legislation.

When determining the level of risk of a hazard the principal or their delegate should also consider:

  • systems of work related to the use of the item of plant or equipment
  • layout and physical conditions of the workplace
  • range of methods by which the work can be completed
  • type of hazards involved with the method of use and item of plant or equipment proposed to be used
  • competence of persons to undertake the work.
Chapter 2 of the Plant and Equipment Procedure on assessing risks associated with hazardous plant and equipment in schools

Reviewed 13 June 2024

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