There is currently a Parliament of Victoria Inquiry into the State Education System in Victoria. Public submissions have now closed, and hearings will be taking place over 6 days between March and May 2024.

The Legal and Social Issues Committee of the Legislative Council will investigate the Victorian education system across government schools. The inquiry will look at trends in student learning outcomes, disparities associated with geography and socio-economic disadvantage; the state of the teaching profession, including the administrative burden on teachers; and student wellbeing, including measures to address poor mental health, school refusal and student disengagement. The committee will consider best practice models and educational settings used to improve student learning outcomes and wellbeing.

The Department of Education has prepared a submission on behalf of the government school system.

If you are appearing at the inquiries hearings, please refer to the government’s Guidelines for appearing before and producing documents to Victorian inquiriesExternal Link , this policy and to the related policies list below to ensure that privacy and other confidentiality obligations in relation to student and other confidential information are followed.

If you have any questions about this inquiry you should contact


The purpose of this policy is to provide information and support for staff participating in parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions.


  • School staff must comply with Victorian Government protocols for participating in parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions.
  • Staff preparing a submission must follow the Victorian Government Guidelines for submissions and responses to inquiriesExternal Link and any relevant department policy and the Code of Conduct. Refer to related policies below.
  • Staff required to appear before or produce documents to parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions must follow the Victorian Government Guidelines for appearing before and producing documents to Victorian InquiriesExternal Link .
  • Staff participating in parliamentary inquiries or royal commissions should contact the nominated departmental lead policy area, that is coordinating a response, for advice and support. When information is not available on whether a lead policy area has been allocated or which area has been nominated, contact Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services who will help direct the inquiry and provide general advice and support at


Parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions seek input from government departments and agencies and the wider community to inform investigations of particular issues. They may also seek input from private individuals, subject matter experts and non-government organisations.

School staff may be asked to participate in a parliamentary inquiry or royal commission if an investigation relates to school-based education and learning, or the health and wellbeing of students. This may be in the capacity of an expert, or in relation to specific incidents or experiences.

Parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions may invite written submissions, require information to be provided, compel school staff to appear and take evidence from witnesses under oath. They can conduct their activities in public hearings and private deliberations. They may also ask for staff and student participation in roundtables and forums, and hold community consultations and school site visits.

If school staff are approached by a committee or commission about participation in an inquiry, they should contact the nominated lead policy area in the department for advice and support, or if this information is not known, in the first instance, contact the Director, Executive and Ministerial Services Branch, Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Division via

Participating in inquiries and commissions

School staff must comply with Victorian Government protocols for participating in parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions.

If participating in an inquiry or commission, school staff must:

  • provide full and accurate information about factual and technical background to policies and their implementation
  • refrain from providing personal opinion, defending or making judgments about government policies
  • seek the appropriate approvals for written submissions, which may include ministerial and Cabinet level approval

Protocols are set out in:

Witnesses at parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions have certain protections. For example, their evidence cannot be used against them in legal proceedings and a witness generally cannot be sued (e.g. for defamation or breach of confidence). Evidence rejected for not addressing the terms of reference or for being frivolous or offensive is not covered by these protections.

Support from Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Division

Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Division provides general background guidance and support to nominated lead policy areas coordinating submissions and responses, and a ‘first point of contact’ function to departmental staff (including school staff) participating in parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions, where the departmental lead area is not known. This includes:

  • procedural advice about making submissions, appearances, and responding to requests for information and other assistance, such as site visit requests
  • providing advice on co-ordination and liaison with key program areas and stakeholders, including program areas who might take the ‘policy lead’ for drafting briefings or responses and supporting departmental officials appearing at hearings, the Legal Division, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, committee and commission secretariats.

For general information and advice about participating in parliamentary inquiries or royal commissions, contact Director, Executive and Ministerial Services Branch, Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Division via

Current parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions

For information about current parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions relating to the Department of Education, contact

Relevant legislation

Department policy outlining the process for school staff participation in parliamentary inquiries and royal commissions

Reviewed 25 March 2024

Policy last updated

25 March 2024


  • Schools


Executive and Ministerial Services Branch Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Division

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