School operations

Outdoor Activities and Working Outdoors

Ongoing management of outdoor activities and working outdoors

The Outdoor Activities and Working Outdoors policy and procedure are part of the broader approach to managing health, safety and wellbeing in schools.

Actions for principals or delegates

To effectively manage risks and incidents arising from outdoor activities and working outdoors as part of an ongoing health, safety and wellbeing management approach, principals or their delegates must do the following.


Principals or their delegates must consult with health and safety representatives (HSRs) or affected staff on outdoor activities and working outdoors risks and controls, in accordance with the OHS Consultation and Communication policy, to ensure effective systems are in place, including regular communication forums.

Document, monitor and review

Principals or their delegates must regularly monitor and review the risks and controls associated with outdoor activities and working outdoors by implementing the OHS Risk Planning and Management policy including activities in the OHS activities calendar (or equivalent), workplace inspections, risk assessments and maintenance of the OHS risk register. These documents must be retained in accordance with the Records Management – School Records policy.

Manage hazards and incidents

Principals or their delegates must manage hazards and incidents associated with outdoor activities and working outdoors by implementing the Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies) policy.

Actions for all school staff

All staff must support ongoing management of risks and hazards related to outdoor activities and working outdoors through:

  • taking reasonable care for their own health and safety when working outdoors
  • the reporting of hazards, risks and incidents.
Includes information on actions for principals or delegates and for all school staff

Reviewed 27 September 2023

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