The Menu
- Schools Mental Health
- Schools Mental Health Menu summary
- Schools Mental Health Skills Checklist (staff login required) – outlines the professional roles, key activities and minimum expected qualifications of staff available for schools to purchase through the Menu
Planning tools
- Schools mental health planning tool (staff login required) – this resource is a fillable PDF form that school staff will need to save to their computer before completing. It is designed to help schools better understand the mental health and wellbeing needs of their students and to simplify their decision-making process for selecting items from the Menu
- Strategic Planning Online Tool – the department’s strategic planning online tool for schools
- Mental health and wellbeing – provides expert guidance and resources on mental health and wellbeing promotion and support aimed at schools, their communities, health and wellbeing workforces and mental health practitioners
- Inclusive student voice toolkit – provides resources to support the voice, agency and leadership of students with disability
Factsheets and guidance
- Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu factsheet – provides an overview of the design, roll out and implementation of the Fund and Menu
- Whole school approaches factsheet – summarises whole school approaches that are available on the Schools Mental Health Menu
- Koorie Education Workforce and schools factsheet – provides information for the Koorie Education Workforce (KEW) and schools on how the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu can support the wellbeing and mental health needs of Koorie students
- Peer support factsheet for schools – provides an overview of peer support and information about how schools can implement peer support programs or purchase related services, programs or professionals from the Menu
- Schools Mental Health Fund: instructions for reporting expenditure – provides guidance to schools on reporting both cash and credit expenditure transactions for the Fund
- Procurement rules of use (staff login required) – provides guidance to schools to ensure compliance with departmental procurement policy and procedures when purchasing items from the Menu
- Template agreement for the purchase of dog (short form) (staff login required) – template agreement to be used for the purchase of a dog to support implementation of the Menu program
Other resources
- Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System final – provides 65 recommendations that set out the reforms needed to transform Victoria’s mental health system, including one directly related to education (Recommendation 17)
- Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) policy – provides tools and resources to assist schools to implement the FISO 2.0
- Student Mental Health Branch Arc – a suite of professional learning sessions and recordings to assist school staff in familiarising themselves with the Fund and Menu
Resources to support the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu Policy
Reviewed 18 February 2025