School operations

Education Support Staff Working in Classroom Support Roles

Key improvement strategy 2: Professional learning and development

Guidance for improvement

Build capability of and provide leadership support for education support staff working in classroom support roles. When education support staff and teaching staff receive professional learning, support and feedback, inclusive education practices are reinforced and student outcomes improve.

Action 2.1

Prioritise opportunities for teachers and education support staff to access and participate in professional learning together.

Action 2.1 What does this look like?

Education support staff working in classroom support roles and teaching staff have opportunities to:

  • engage in relevant professional learning to improve knowledge and skills and meet their Performance and Development Plan (PDP) goals
  • develop their understanding of how to collaboratively plan and work with staff to safely support all students, including students with disability and additional needs, and their respective roles in supporting student learning
  • receive mentoring or coaching support from an appropriate teacher, member of the leadership team and/or a member of the SSS supporting the school

Action 2.2

Identify and provide opportunities for education support staff to access relevant, quality professional learning that assists them to effectively support teacher and specialist-led learning interventions in the classroom and supports them to work safely with students.

Action 2.2 What does this look like?

Education support staff working in classroom support roles have opportunities to learn how to:

  • support a wide range of strategies to encourage full participation of all students, including students with disability and additional needs
  • effectively support students to work towards independence, work effectively with peers and promote student involvement in decision making
  • support high-impact teaching strategies in the classroom
  • support students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
  • support the implementation of the Marrung Educational Plan in their school
  • participate in Cultural Understanding and Safety Training to support Koorie inclusion
  • use the range of assistive technologies and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices

Action 2.3

Ensure the PDP process is in place for all education support staff, including regular opportunities for professional learning, feedback, coaching and mentoring.

Action 2.3 What does this look like?
  • Education support staff are supported by a member of the school’s leadership team who:
    • understands the role of the education support staff
    • can observe education support staff
    • provides feedback regarding practice, professional learning needs and progress towards PDP goals
    • is responsible for reviewing the education support staffs’ PDP
    • engages in education support staff PDP reviewers’ professional development
  • Education support staff are supported to participate in PDP professional development.
  • Education support staff are supported to develop and action an effective PDP.
  • There are explicit links between the education support class employees’ PDPs, the school strategic plan and annual implementation plan.
  • There are systems in place for education support staff to self-reflect and receive regular feedback from staff they work collaboratively with (for example, peers, principals, leadership, teachers, Koorie Engagement Support Officers and allied health professionals), as evidence to support their PDP.
Guidance chapter detailing Key Improvement Strategy 2

Reviewed 12 November 2020

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