Seizure response

Schools are required to make reasonable adjustments in the classroom and in relation to the student’s seizure activity or schedule that may require attendance at medical appointments. These adjustments should be outlined in the student’s Student Health Support Plan (DOCX)External Link .

Reasonable adjustments may include:

  • development of an individual learning plan (ILP) – the Epilepsy Foundation has an ILP sample and template (PDF)External Link as part of their Epilepsy Smart School ProgramExternal Link
  • setup of a student support group
  • adjustment of assessment tasks related to time or reasonable expectations in group work
  • examination adjustments related to increased reading time, breaks, or identified trigger considerations
  • engagement of specialist services such as neuropsychologists, psychologists, occupational therapists or speech pathologists.
Guidance chapter on making reasonable adjustments in relation to a student's seizure activity

Reviewed 27 May 2024

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