Resources are available to assist in the development, implementation and operation of an Emergency Management Plan (EMP).
The publications below contain important step-by-step instructions to assist in developing and updating EMPs.
If a school is operating an out-of-school-hours care (OSHC) or school holiday program, the service/program will need to complete the EMP template using the Guide for early childhood services and non-government schools.
- Emergency and critical incident management planning guide for government schools
- Emergency and critical incident management planning guide for government schools
- School incident debrief facilitator guide
- Guide to developing your emergency management plan for early childhood services and non-government schools
Emergency management online portal
To develop, update, or access your school’s emergency and incident management plan, refer to: Online emergency management (staff login required).
The school principal must log in to the online portal first and delegate access to relevant staff to review and update the school plan.
Any enquiries should be directed to:
New school registrations should use the sample emergency management plan in lieu of access to the online planning tool.
e-Learning modules
To support ongoing learning about emergency management including planning, conducting drills, risk management and associated topics, the department has developed a suite of emergency and critical incident management e-Learning modules. All school staff can now enrol and access these self-directed online learning modules any time. The modules provide a short, accessible introduction to the following topics:
- Emergency Management: Business continuity
- Emergency Management: Bushfire At-Risk Register
- Emergency Management: Conducting drills
- Emergency Management: Excursions
- Emergency Management: Planning essentials
- Emergency Management: Recovery after an emergency
- Emergency Management: Responding to and managing critical incidents
- Emergency Management: Response in government schools
- Emergency Management: Risk management
- Emergency Management: School bus transport emergencies.
Enrol in the eLearning modules through LearnEd on the eduPay (staff login required) by searching for the keywords ‘Emergency Management’.
Information and warnings
All schools should be aware of the following:
- VicEmergency (note: all principals and key school staff should download the App on their phone with a watch zone around their school to receive alerts and information regarding hazards and incidents in their vicinity)
- VicEmergency website (Incidents and
- Vic Emergency Hotline on 1800 226 226
- Total fire bans and (CFA website)
Template documents and checklists
- Area map template – provides a sample layout to assist schools in identifying relevant landmarks and routes to offsite assembly areas
- Communications tree template – provides a sample layout to assist schools in developing their communications tree
- Evacuation diagram template – provides a sample layout and icons to assist schools in developing their evacuation diagrams
- Evacuation diagram checklist – to assist schools in developing their evacuation diagrams in line with relevant standards
- IMT structure (large school) template - provides a sample structure to assist schools in developing their Incident Management Team diagram for larger schools with sufficient staff to cover all functions
- IMT structure (small school) template - provides a sample structure to assist schools in developing their Incident Management Team diagram, tailored to the roles likely to be prioritised by smaller schools
Further resources
- Drill observer and debrief record (staff login required)
- Bomb threat (staff login required)
- Letter – socialise your school’s and Short form – socialise your school’s EMP - sample communications to share key messages regarding your plan and procedures with your school community
- Personal emergency evacuation plan (employee) template and Personal emergency evacuation plan (student) template – sample templates outlining tailored response arrangements for staff and students with additional needs
Reviewed 11 March 2025