School operations

Digital Learning

Communicating behavioural expectations to students (Acceptable Use Agreements)

Template Acceptable Use Agreements are available on the Resources tab and are structured in 2 parts as follows:

  1. For parents/carers:
    • Our commitment – the school’s commitment to the responsible use of digital technology
    • What we do – the school’s actions to ensure the responsible use of digital technology
    • How parents and carers can help – information and suggestions for parents and carers
    • Personal devices at [School Name] – [Optional] for schools to explain their Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program
  2. For students:
    • What we expect – the school’s behavioural expectations for students
    • My ideas on safe, balanced and responsible online behaviour – for students to complete
    • Student declaration [Optional] – for students to sign and parent/carer to acknowledge

Schools must review their AUAs every 2 years, as required under Child Safe Standard 10External Link . Schools must communicate student behavioural expectations regarding the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies and are strongly encouraged to do this by placing a copy of their AUA on their school website or another platform accessible to the school community. They can also determine if and how it should be signed and returned to the school. For example:

  • sent to parents/carers and students for their information only (no request to sign and return)
  • placed on the school website for parents/carers and communicated with students during an in-class activity
  • sent to parents/carers to acknowledge on behalf of their students and return to school
  • sent home for students to sign the agreement and for parents/carers to acknowledge their child’s agreement and return to school.

Schools can also select the most appropriate timeframe for sending AUAs out. For example:

  • when students enrol (a once-off agreement) and anytime a change is made to the AUA following the biannual review
  • every year
  • every stage of learning (for example, year 3, year 5, year 7, year 9, year 11)
  • every time student tech provision changes (for example, a school with a 1-1 device in year 5, may want a new AUA for the beginning of year 5.

Acceptable Use Agreements ensure schools meet the Minimum Standards, including the Child Safe Standards, and other requirements for school registration by:

  • including information which outlines the school's strategies for ensuring that digital technologies are used safely and responsibly by students
  • consulting with the school community on the development and review of the AUAs
  • ensuring the contents of the AUAs are communicated to staff, students, parents, carers and the school community (we recommend this is done by publishing on your school's website)
  • ensuring that physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children, young people and students to be harmed
  • developing and endorsing a policy or statement on online conduct and online safety that is consistent with the child safety and wellbeing policy and practices and child safety code of conduct of the school or provider of school boarding services
  • empowering students with the knowledge and tools they need to be safe online and to be able to raise concerns about online incidents or behaviour.

For more information, visit:

Includes information on Acceptable Use Agreements

Reviewed 19 December 2024

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