3 Implement controls

Once the confined spaces have been identified, a control strategy to control the risk is to be developed and implemented. The principal and/or their delegate in consultation with the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) and employees must ensure that risk controls to manage working in a confined space are identified and implemented using the order of the hierarchy of controls.

Examples include:

  1. Elimination — no persons are to enter a confined space, but instead, are to undertake work outside the space, e.g. use of a high-pressure hose through an access hatch to clean the inside of a tank, or use a remote camera to inspect the area.
  2. Substitution — use of electrical equipment/plant instead of fuel to avoid the build-up of carbon monoxide fumes (where a flammable atmosphere has not been identified)
  3. Engineering — install local extraction ventilation system.
  4. Administration — develop and prominently display a signed Confined Space Entry Permit (DOCX)External Link near the work area. Display signage at all entry points to the confined space.
  5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) — use of eye protection or respiratory protective equipment e.g. self-contained breathing apparatus, when required.
Chapter 3 of the Confined Spaces Procedure on implementing a control strategy for confined spaces in schools

Reviewed 20 May 2024

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