School operations

Chemical Management

9. Consultation, information and training

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that arrangements are in place for consultation with the HSR and employees, in relation to chemical management. Consultation should occur in relation to:

  • the introduction of new chemicals to the school
  • the identification and assessment of risks associated with chemicals at the school
  • development of Safe Work Procedures
  • decisions about control measures to be implemented
  • induction and training requirements.

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure records are maintained of any such consultation i.e. meeting minutes, emails, induction checklist, purchasing checklist etc. For general requirements related to consultation, refer to the OHS Consultation and Communication Procedure.

Where employees are required to use dangerous goods and/or hazardous chemicals or where employees may potentially be exposed to dangerous goods and/or hazardous chemicals in the school, the principal or their delegate must ensure employees are trained in the safe use and storage of that chemical. This training is to include:

  • the requirement for, and type of information provided on labels of products
  • the location of, and how to read the SDS for dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals
  • the nature of the hazards and risks associated with the tasks being performed
  • the control methods required to reduce the risk of an incident, near miss or harm to human health occurring (for example, SWP to be followed in the use, storage, transport and disposal of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals)
  • the proper use and fitting of PPE
  • first aid treatment, incident reporting procedures and emergency management protocol to be followed in case of a spill or release of chemicals or injury or illness arising from an exposure to chemicals.

Records of this training are to be kept and maintained by the principal or their delegate per the OHS Induction and Training Procedure.

Chapter 9 of the Chemical Management Procedure on consultation, information and training

Reviewed 03 June 2024

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