8. Emergency procedures

The principal and/or their delegate in consultation with the HSR and employees, must ensure that appropriate emergency management provisions are available for use in the event of a chemical emergency. The emergency management provisions may include:

  • spill kits or containment equipment
  • safe work procedures for spills or release of chemicals
  • fire blankets/extinguishers
  • first aid kits
  • eye wash stations/eye wash kits/emergency showers
  • emergency shutdown procedures for equipment
  • appropriate numbers of trained emergency wardens and first aiders
  • appropriately displayed emergency contact details
  • PPE.

Refer to Guidance Sheet 4: Chemical Spill Management (DOCX)External Link and Guidance Sheet 5: Major Chemical Spill Management (DOCX)External Link for additional information.

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that all fire protection equipment is maintained in an operable condition and that all relevant emergency contact telephone numbers are displayed in prominent locations at the school (for example, where the chemicals are stored).

Chapter 8 of the Chemical Management Procedure on emergency management provisions associated with dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals

Reviewed 03 June 2024

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