Department resources

Bushfire and grassfire preparedness procedures and checklists

Communication templates for schools

Posters for schools

The following posters are designed to be printed by individual schools and children’s services and prominently displayed throughout the school, including all entrances.

Letter templates for schools

These letter templates have been developed to assist schools in communicating with their community about their fire response. Schools can use this text as the basis for a letter on their own school letterhead or for their website. Schools will need to review and update the text each time it is used to ensure it is relevant.

Phone script for schools

Telephone script: pre-emptive action or catastrophic closures (DOCX)External Link – use this script to leave a recorded message on your school main telephone line when enacting pre-emptive action plans or a Catastrophic FDR closure

Checklists for schools

Schools and early childhood services can use the site readiness review checklists as part of their annual fire preparation.

eLearning modules

All school staff can now enrol in and access an eLearning module which provides a short, accessible introduction to Bushfire and Grassfire Preparedness. This self-directed online learning module is titled ‘Emergency Management: Bushfire at Risk Register’ and can be accessed at any time through the eduPay portalExternal Link (staff login required).

The department has also developed eLearning modules about other key emergency and critical incident management topics including emergency planning, conducting drills, managing risks and more. These can be accessed through LearnEd on the eduPay portal by searching for the keywords ‘Emergency Management’.

Further resources

External resources

Country Fire Authority (CFA)

The CFA has a variety of resources and information that can support your school and broader school community:

Other resources

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 12 March 2024

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