
Safe Transport Victoria

Safe Transport Victoria (STV) is the first point of contact for schools in relation to bus accreditation. STV has guidance sheets for schools on their dedicated School buses webpage.

Applying for accreditation

Safe Transport Victoria has the following information on their School buses webpageExternal Link for schools applying for accreditation:

Use the department’s accreditation checklist (DOCX)External Link to ensure you have completed all the necessary components.

Management information system

Safe Transport Victoria has information on their website about what is required for a compliant management information system (MIS)External Link .

The department has produced the following templates to assist schools in developing their MIS:

Maintenance management system

Safe Transport Victoria has information on their website about what is required for a compliant maintenance management system (MMS)External Link .

The department has produced the following templates to assist schools in developing their MMS:

Includes resources to support this topic

Reviewed 03 February 2025

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