Safe Transport Victoria
Safe Transport Victoria (STV) is the first point of contact for schools in relation to bus accreditation. STV has guidance sheets for schools on their dedicated School buses webpage.
Applying for accreditation
Safe Transport Victoria has the following information on their School buses for schools applying for accreditation:
- Bus Operator Accreditation application form
- Example of a completed Bus Operator Accreditation application form (excluding supporting documents)
- Confirmation of legal entity template – to be included with the application form
Use the department’s accreditation checklist to ensure you have completed all the necessary components.
Management information system
Safe Transport Victoria has information on their website about what is required for a compliant management information system .
The department has produced the following templates to assist schools in developing their MIS:
- Management Information System template – a consolidated document comprising all components of the MIS. It can be used by schools when applying for accreditation
- Bus safety policy template – can be used by schools as the basis for a Bus Safety Policy
- Governance and internal control arrangement template – can be used to record how the school will manage risk and maintain control and oversight of the bus service
- Position descriptions template – outlines the roles and responsibilities of all school staff involved in bus safety related activities
- Driver qualifications, training and induction record – can be used to record the qualifications and training of persons driving the school bus
- Accredited bus operator risk register template (with examples) (staff login required) – should be updated to suit the school’s specific context
- Accredited bus operator summary/fleet register template – can be used to record the size/complexity of the school’s bus operations
Maintenance management system
Safe Transport Victoria has information on their website about what is required for a compliant maintenance management system .
The department has produced the following templates to assist schools in developing their MMS:
- MMS policy and procedure template
- Accountabilities and authorities register – can be used to record the individuals or organisations responsible for activities required to be undertaken by accredited bus operators
- Training register – can be used to record the training undertaken by school staff in relation to bus maintenance and safety
- Maintenance register – can be used to record the maintenance program for the bus/buses
- Pre-trip inspection checklist and record
- Defect clearance report form – used to report any defects found in the pre-trip inspection and how they were resolved
- Bus safety audit report template – can be used for the annual bus safety audit
Reviewed 03 February 2025