Biosecurity and hygiene
Schools must practise biosecurity measures when working with animals to minimise the adverse impacts of pests and diseases in the environment and the community. This involves implementing effective practices that help prevent the spread of pests and diseases, including good hand hygiene, cleaning tools and equipment with disinfectant, and managing feed, water and waste.
Where appropriate, animals must be groomed, wormed and vaccinated (as evidenced by veterinary certificates).
Visiting animals must be healthy when present on school grounds. If school-based animals (for example, chickens) become unwell, the school must seek appropriate veterinary treatment for them. Schools must keep unwell animals separate from students.
Schools are required to report signs or outbreaks of disease. If schools notice signs or suspect an outbreak of disease in animals or birds, they must notify Agriculture Victoria immediately on the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline 1800 675 888 or contact the school’s local veterinarian.
Reviewed 07 October 2024