School operations

Working Alone, in Isolation or from Home

2. Management of working alone, in isolation, from home or after hours

Prior to allowing employees to work alone, in isolation, from home or after hours, the principal and/or their delegate must ensure that a risk assessment is completed for specific hazards and documented in the Risk Assessment Template (DOCX)External Link .This assessment determines a risk score using the risk matrix (refer to the department’s OHS Risk Management Procedure).

The principal and/or their delegate must also consider the following prior to authorising an employee to work alone, in isolation and/or at home after hours:

  • the level of supervision required for the employee(s) to complete the task
  • competency and level of experience, skill and training of the employee(s) undertaking the work
  • the number of people present in the area after normal working hours
  • the employee’s level of training in after-hours emergency procedures
  • whether the substance, equipment or work is too hazardous or dangerous to be conducted after hours
  • access to a method of communication, either landline phone or mobile phone
  • security of the area where the work is to be performed
  • method of egress from the building and route to transport
  • need for the employee requesting to working alone, in isolation and/or at home after hours

2.1 Competency of Employee(s)

The principal and/or their delegate must determine and assess the competencies needed by employees undertaking the work alone, in isolation from home or after hours. The assessment must be documented as part of the approval process and for OHS record keeping requirements. Only employees deemed competent for all the tasks required may work alone, in isolation and/or from home.

Employees with a life-threatening medical condition must, in writing seek the approval of the principal prior to working after hours or alone. When considering such an application, a principal must seek the opinion of the employee’s treating medical practitioner, must consider the views of that employee and utilise associated risk management forms to assess the level of risk as per the OHS Risk Management Procedure.

2.2 Review of After Hours Process, Procedures and Activities

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the names of all employees working alone, in isolation or from home after hours are recorded in the Register of Employees Permitted to Work Alone or in Isolation (DOCX),External Link and that the form is updated on a regular basis.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the principal or their delegate or OHS Advisory Service on 1300 074 715.

Chapter 2 of the Working Alone, in Isolation or from Home Procedure on assessing risk associated with specific hazards, including assessing competency of employee(s)

Reviewed 20 June 2024

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