Policy and Guidelines for Trade Union Leave
Teaching service
An employee who has been nominated by a union and has been accepted by a training provider to attend a trade union training course will be granted up to 5 days leave in any one calendar year to enable attendance. An employee may be granted paid leave in excess of 5 days and up to 10 days in any one calendar year subject to the total leave taken in that calendar year and subsequent calendar year not exceeding 10 days.
Trade union training leave will be granted with pay where:
- the leave will not cause disruption to the school's program
- arrangements could not be made to attend training out of hours or during school vacations
- the proposed training is of benefit to the teaching service or the school
- suitable relief arrangements can be arranged at the union's expense
In all other cases, trade union training leave without pay will be granted subject to suitable relief arrangements being available.
Policy and Guidelines for Trade Union Training Leave
Reviewed 10 October 2022