Policy and Guidelines
Sporting competitions leave — Teaching Service
Teaching Service employees may be granted leave with or without pay to participate as a competitor or accredited official in an approved sporting competition. Leave with or without pay for a competitor or accredited official shall count as service for all purposes.
Leave with pay and, or without pay is granted for the period reasonably needed by the team to participate in the competition (including travel time) up to a maximum of 4 weeks.
Leave will be granted only where it causes no undue inconvenience to the school.
Volunteers requiring leave to participate in a major sporting competition may be granted leave without pay which will not count as service.
Each applicant must provide documentary evidence of selection, the period involved and the importance and status of the competition as an international, interstate or state event.
Leave with pay
Leave with pay may be granted to an employee for participation as a competitor or accredited official in the Olympic Games, the Commonwealth Games and the Paralympic Games.
Leave with pay may be granted to participants in other international sporting competitions such as world championships that can be demonstrated to meet all the following criteria:
- the competition is non-professional
- the competition is of sufficient international and national significance
- the competition is the major sporting event within the sporting discipline
Leave with pay will not be granted for attendance at trials, warm-up competitions or acclimatisation periods
Paid leave will not normally be granted more frequently than once every 2 years.
Leave without pay
Leave without pay may be granted for participation in:
- major international sporting competitions other than those referred to above
- approved interstate sporting competitions (any such competition should have the official endorsement of the relevant state/national sporting body)
- the Maccabiah Games
- Country Week sports
Leave without pay may be granted where attendance is required for trials, warm-up competitions or acclimatisation periods.
Where an employee requests leave for the purpose of acting as a volunteer at a major sporting competition the following provisions apply:
- leave without pay may be granted for the period reasonably required to participate as a volunteer
- any request for leave to attend the sporting competition must be accompanied by documentary evidence of selection and the period involved
- leave will be granted only where it causes no undue inconvenience to the school
- leave without pay granted to a staff member to act as a volunteer does not count as service for any purpose
- employees may utilise paid leave entitlements, that is annual leave or additional paid leave for education support class employees or long service leave
Reviewed 27 March 2020