Students changing schools

The school that the student is enrolled at for the 2025 school year on 18 October 2024 is the school that will receive the School Saving Bonus for that student.

If a government student transfers to another Victorian government school:

  • unspent School Saving Bonus funds should be transferred to the student’s new school. A funds transfer would typically require the initiating school to create a CASES21 Family Payment and then arrange for the unspent portion to be transferred to the new school via a bank transfer
  • if the unspent amount is minimal, the schools may agree that the funds are not transferred if the new school commits to providing the student with assistance to the value of the unspent amount.

If a government student transfers to a Victorian non-government school, there is no requirement for the School Saving Bonus to be transferred.

Includes information on School Saving Bonus arrangements for students changing schools

Reviewed 27 August 2024

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