Policy last updated

18 April 2024


  • Schools

January 2020



This policy sets out the requirements and process for naming new and existing Victorian government schools, educational services, campuses, school buildings and school spaces.


  • The naming processes must be followed when naming schools, educational services, campuses, school buildings and school spaces. Existing names do not need to be changed to meet the requirements of the policy however school councils may choose to initiate renaming processes to align with current standards.
  • Aboriginal language names must be used when naming new and renaming existing schools, educational services, campuses and new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government. Exemptions apply in certain circumstances, such as permitting modification of existing or past school and campus names.
  • In exceptional circumstances, commemorative names of deceased persons may be used for new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government.
  • School names must accurately reflect the school’s educational and service provision, except that exemptions apply to schools offering special education provision.
  • School and campus names must reflect the key principles under Geographic Names Victoria’s Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities 2022 (naming rules)External Link .
  • The minister approves names for schools, educational services, campuses and new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government.
  • Schools may give their existing school buildings and spaces an Aboriginal language name, a commemorative name of a deceased person or other non-Aboriginal name and this does not require Ministerial approval. Names of commercial businesses and not-for-profit organisations must not be used.
  • With the exception of naming a new school, costs associated with naming activities are borne by the school or related capital works funding.
  • Schools must follow this policy and the guidance in the Guidance tab.


The naming processes in this policy and the associated guidelines on the Guidance tab must be followed to ensure a consistent process for naming of schools, educational services, campuses, school buildings and spaces.

For the purposes of this policy, educational services operating out of non-traditional school settings such as hospitals and youth justice facilities are considered to be schools and the requirements and guidance provided for schools applies.

The Guidance tab outlines naming processes for:

  • naming a new school
  • renaming an existing school due to changed education provision
  • renaming an existing school due to a reorganisation (merger, demerger or relocation)
  • renaming an existing school as initiated by school council
  • naming a new or temporary campus, or renaming an existing campus as initiated by school council
  • naming a new school building funded by the Victorian Government (optional)
  • naming an existing school building or school space (optional).

Preferencing of Aboriginal language names

Aboriginal language names must be used for naming new schools and campuses and for renaming existing schools and campuses unless an exception applies.

Aboriginal language names must also be used for new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government, except in exceptional circumstances where schools have sought and gained approval to use a commemorative name of a deceased person. Refer to the guidance chapter Naming a new school building funded by the Victorian Government.

Temporary campuses must only be given an Aboriginal language name if a permanent school or campus is planned on the site in future. Temporary campuses are otherwise given a name based upon their geographic location, such as incorporating the name of the road or locality.

To ensure accuracy of language, only Traditional Owners can propose Aboriginal language names. The department or school must send a written request seeking potential Aboriginal language names to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group of the land on which the school, campus or building is situated. A map showing formally recognised Traditional Owner groups across Victoria is included in the Resources tab.

Where a Traditional Owner group is not formally recognised for the specific location, the department or school must seek advice from Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (LAECGs)External Link via the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI)External Link . Consultation must be undertaken with all Traditional Owners who assert rights and interests in the area. These may include Traditional Owner families and groups without formal recognition as well as formally recognised Traditional Owner groups of neighbouring areas.

Where Traditional Owner groups have been consulted and are unable to provide names, the school will be asked to provide potential non-Aboriginal language names.

Where a commemorative name of a deceased person is proposed for a school building or school space, Traditional Owners will not be consulted unless the name is of an Aboriginal person.

The naming rules

The ‘naming rules’ are the statutory guidelines provided under section 5 of the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 (Vic)External Link . They are mandatory for all Victorian Government-owned or administered roads, features and localities under the naming authority of councils, government departments and other authorities.

Government-owned schools and campuses are considered ‘features’ under the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 (Vic) and statutory guidelines, and proposed names must comply with the naming rules. The rules do not apply retrospectively to existing school and campus names.

The department’s Operations and Governance division (OGD) works with Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) to assess proposed school and campus names against naming principles (section 2, Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities 2022External Link ).

The optional naming of school buildings and spaces are not considered registered features under the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 (Vic) and statutory guidelines, and are not required to comply with the naming rules but there are still department policies that apply.

Education provision

Proposed school names must include an education provision description. Standard naming conventions include:

  • primary provision – ‘Primary School’
  • secondary provision – ‘Secondary College’, ‘College’ or school year level descriptor, for example, ‘7–12 College’
  • both primary and secondary provision – year level descriptor, for example, ‘P–9 College’ or ‘P–12 College’
  • provision inclusive of kindergarten services – may include ‘K’ in the year level descriptor, for example, ‘K–12 College’
  • intensive English language provision – ‘English Language School’ or ‘English Language Centre’.

Specialist schools may choose to omit the mode of education provision from their name. Standard naming conventions include:

  • if omitting the mode of education provision – ‘School’
  • if including education provision – ‘Specialist’, ‘Special’ or ‘Special Development’ School
  • schools for students with a specific type of disability may include their specialisation in the school’s name, for example, ‘Autism School, ‘School for Deaf Children’.

Commemorative names

Commemorative names of living or deceased persons are not to be used for naming schools or campuses.

In exceptional circumstances, a commemorative name of a deceased person may be considered for the optional naming of school buildings and school spaces.

Whilst the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 (Vic) applies to schools and campuses, and does not extend to school buildings and school spaces, department policy requires that any proposal to use a commemorative name for a school building or school space must align with the Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022External Link Principle (I): Using Commemorative Names, namely that they:

  • must be applied posthumously – the names of people who are still alive must be avoided because community attitudes and opinions can change over time
  • must be applied at least 2 years posthumously
  • use the first name and last name of a person – although it is preferred that only one name be used
  • the initials of a given name must not be used in any instance.

Proposal of a commemorative name of a deceased person for a school building or school space must consider:

  • the person’s achievements
  • relevant history and association to the area
  • the significance of the person to the area/land
  • the character of the person and appropriateness of the commemoration.

Proposals to commemoratively name a new school building funded by the Victorian Government require:

  • endorsement from the region
  • family support for the proposal, confirming that they agree that the name can be associated with the space (and providing authorisation for any other specific personal information to be used, such as a photograph or background information)
  • a detailed biography of the person being commemorated
  • assurance that due diligence has been carried out and that the person is considered to be of good character
  • support from Traditional Owners if knowingly commemorating an Aboriginal person
  • approval from the minister.

Proposals to commemoratively name an existing school building or school space require:

  • documentation of the reason for the commemoration which might include the person’s achievements, relevant history, significance and/or association to the area/land
  • assurance that the person is considered to be of good character is documented
  • written consent from the family confirming they agree that the name can be associated with the building or space (and providing authorisation for any other specific personal information to be used, such as a photograph or background information)
  • written support from the formally recognised Traditional Owners of the land on which the space is situated if knowingly commemorating an Aboriginal person
  • approval from the regional director.

Approval of names

The Minister for Education is the naming authority for government schools and educational services under the Education Training and Reform Act 2006 (ETRA) s5.2.1(2)(c)).

As naming authority, the Minister for Education approves naming requests for schools, campuses and new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government, usually after community consultation, and in exceptional circumstances may directly apply a name.

With the exception of commemorative names as outlined in the section above, school principals have the authority to name existing school buildings and school spaces.

Refer to the Guidance tab for detailed information on the required processes for naming new and existing schools, campuses, school buildings and school spaces.

Relevant legislation



This guidance contains the following chapters:

  • Naming a new school
  • Renaming an existing school due to changed education provision
  • Renaming an existing school due to a reorganisation (merger, demerger or relocation)
  • Renaming an existing school as initiated by school council
  • Naming a new or temporary campus, or renaming an existing campus as initiated by school council
  • Naming a new school building funded by the Victorian Government (optional)
  • Naming an existing school building or school space (optional)

Naming a new school

Naming a new school

Interim names

Interim names are ‘working names’ used in the planning, design, construction and establishment phases of new schools. These interim names are proposed and approved by the Victorian School Building Authority as a reference for urban planners, designers, developers, other government agencies and local councils to locate the building site. There is no commitment or requirement to use the interim name as the approved school name.

Interim names are allocated to proposed government school sites well in advance of any commitment to deliver a proposed government school. The identification of an interim name for a proposed government school does not represent any commitment to deliver the proposed school, nor does the identification of a proposed school site create an obligation for the department to acquire the land.

New schools

New schools are those that have been announced in the State Budget and funded through the capital works program. The delivery and establishment of a new school can take 1.5 to 2.5 years from the day of announcement in the State Budget, depending on the complexity of the project.

Whilst new schools are being established, regional advisory groups (RAGs) are established to operate as interim school councils. The RAG is comprised of senior representatives from within the region, the new school principal (when appointed), architects and community representatives.

For the purposes of this policy, educational services operating out of non-traditional school settings such as hospitals and youth justice facilities which may not have associated capital works, are also considered to be schools and the guidance provided for schools applies.

The department’s Operations and Governance Division commences the new school naming process 15 months prior to the scheduled opening of new schools. This allows stakeholder consultation and approval processes to occur and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as the design of a school logo, uniforms, branding, signage and promotional activities.

Policy requirements for naming new schools

Policy requirements applicable to the naming of new schools are outlined in the Policy tab and include that:

Funding of expenses

Costs associated with these naming processes, including Traditional Owner costs, are funded as part of school establishment activities. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups and signage.

Initial phase

The purpose of the following initial activities is to formally advise Traditional Owner groups that the new school naming process has commenced and to request their participation:

  1. Operations and Governance Division is advised of new schools requiring names by School Provision and Establishment Division.
  2. Confirmation is required from the RAG that costs associated with the naming activity will be borne by the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division submits a request to the relevant formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the new school naming process by:
    • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the policy context, process and timing of the school naming
    • providing information on the new school along with procedural guidance to inform decision-making
    • formally requesting 3 Aboriginal language names for the new school, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.
  4. Operations and Governance Division updates RAGs on progress.
  5. In the unlikely event that Traditional Owner groups are unable to provide names, Operations and Governance Division will ask the RAG to propose 3 non-Aboriginal language names.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of the following compliance and shortlisting activities is to identify compliant names that can be put forward to community for consultation:

  • Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestions against the naming rules, principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether each name complies.
  • Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.
  • Compliant shortlisted names are presented to the Minister for Education seeking approval to consult with the community.

Note: As the naming authority, the Minister for Education can decide to directly name a school through ministerial or local announcement, in which case, community consultation would not be required (skip ahead to 'Approval and implementation').

Community consultation

The purpose of the following community consultation activities is to engage with the community to seek their input on the name of the new school:

  1. Upon the minister’s approval, Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) to begin community consultation via Engage Victoria, the Victorian Government’s online consultation platform.
  2. Once the online consultation period opens, Operations and Governance Division provides the Engage Victoria link to the school principal, region and RAG.
  3. The VSBA notifies the community of the consultation via social media and websites.
  4. Operations and Governance Division and the VSBA notify department staff via School Update.
  5. Once the consultation period has closed, the VSBA compiles the results and provides them to Operations and Governance Division (

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to gain approval from the Minister for Education, as the naming authority for schools, on the name of the new school and to inform activities contributing to the school’s establishment:

  1. Operations and Governance Division submits a briefing to the Minister for Education outlining the results of the community consultation, and seeking approval of the most popular name.
  2. As the naming authority, the Minister for Education approves the recommended name or may decide to directly name the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal, RAG and region of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  4. A ministerial or local announcement advises the local community of the approved name, following which the principal may engage the local community using the new name.
  5. Operations and Governance Division seeks confirmation of the school’s address from the local council as this typically cannot be confirmed until the later stages of the school’s build.
  6. Operations and Governance Division advises School Provision and Establishment Division of the name of the new school.
  7. Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with Geographic Names Victoria to gazette the new school's name and update the VICNAMES registerExternal Link .
  8. Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the new school name, including:
    • Performance and Evaluation Division who will update the department’s Entity Register
    • School Provision and Establishment Division who will advise the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) of the gazetted name. Once registered, the new school is added to VRQA’s state register.
  9. School establishment activities can be progressed using the newly approved name, such as logo design, uniforms, signage and website development. School materials, policies, and procedures must also reflect the new school name.
  10. The new school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the approved name and incorporate it into future communications.

Renaming an existing school due to changed education provision

Renaming an existing school due to changed education provision

Existing schools

Existing schools are those established schools registered in the State RegisterExternal Link by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and reflected in the department’s Entity RegisterExternal Link .

School renaming processes are led by the school principal.

If the school simply wishes to change the education provision part of the existing school’s name, the school does not have to follow this process. However, if the school wishes to change any other part of the school name other than the education provision at the same time, the process for renaming an existing school as initiated by school council must be followed instead.

Policy requirements for renaming existing schools due to changed education provision

Policy requirements applicable to existing schools requiring a name change due to a change in the school’s education provision are outlined in the Policy tab and include that:

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these naming processes, and may fund expenses from capital works funding if applicable. Typical costs include logo development, uniform redesign, website updates and signage.

Initial phase

The school renaming process must commence 6 to 10 months prior to the desired implementation date. This allows for approval processes and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as the redesign of the school logo, uniforms, branding, signage and promotional activities as required.

The school principal contacts Operations and Governance Division ( requesting assistance to change its name due to a change in education provision, providing evidence of support from the region. However, Operations and Governance Division may be advised of the requirement for a new name by School Provision and Establishment Division.

School renaming resulting from a change in education provision, such as a change of year level provision, does not require consultation with the community nor with Traditional Owner groups.

Confirmation is required from the school council that costs associated with the naming activity will be borne by the school.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of compliance activities is to confirm that the proposed name is compliant:

  1. Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the proposed name against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether the name complies.
  2. Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to seek approval of the revised school name and undertake follow on actions:

  1. Operations and Governance Division contributes to the establishment briefing prepared by School Provision and Establishment Division, seeking the Minister for Education’s approval of the revised school name. If the proposed names are not available at the time of preparation of the establishment briefing, a separate briefing is prepared by Operations and Governance Division.
  2. As the naming authority, the Minister for Education approves or rejects the proposed name or may decide to directly name the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal and region of the outcome of the Minister’s decision.
  4. The school notifies the school community of the outcome of the Minister’s decision. However, this may occur via ministerial or local announcement.
  5. Once a new school name has been approved, Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with Geographic Names Victoria to gazette the revised school name and update the VICNAMES registerExternal Link .
  6. After gazettal of the revised school name, Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the new school name, including:
    • Performance and Evaluation Division who will update the department’s Entity Register
    • School Provision and Establishment Division who will advise the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) of the gazetted name, so that the VRQA’s state register can be updated.
  7. Once a new name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including revision of the school logo design, signage and website, school materials, policies, and procedures.
  8. Once a new name has been approved, the school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the new name, incorporating it into future communications.

Renaming an existing school due to a reorganisation (merger, demerger or relocation)

Renaming an existing school due to a reorganisation (merger, demerger or relocation)

Existing schools and reorganisations

Existing schools are those established schools registered in the State RegisterExternal Link by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and reflected in the department’s Entity RegisterExternal Link .

School reorganisations allow the department to meet education provision requirements through proposing mergers, de-mergers and relocation of existing schools. Other reorganisations, such as school closures and non-operational schools, do not have a naming impact.

School renaming processes are led by the school principal.

Policy requirements for renaming existing schools due to a reorganisation

Policy requirements applicable to existing schools requiring a name change due to a reorganisation are outlined in the Policy tab and include that:

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these naming processes, and may fund expenses from capital works funding if applicable. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups, logo development, uniform redesign, website updates and signage.

Initial phase

The school renaming process must commence 6 to 10 months prior to the desired implementation date. This allows for approval processes and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as the redesign of the school logo, uniforms, branding, signage and promotional activities as required.

Schools seeking an exemption under the policy to request use of an existing or past name, or combination thereof, must contact Operations and Governance Division ( In this event, the remaining initial phase activities do not apply. Instead, Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the proposed name(s) against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether the name(s) complies. The school then consults their school community on the proposed name(s) (skip ahead to community consultation).

The purpose of the following initial activities is to formally advise Operations and Governance Division and the relevant Traditional Owner group that a school naming process has commenced and to request their participation:

  1. School Provision and Establishment Division advises Operations and Governance Division ( that the school requires a new name due to a reorganisation, or the school may reach out directly to discuss the matter.
  2. Confirmation is required from the school council that costs associated with the naming activity will be borne by the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division provides support to the school including advice on engaging with Traditional Owner groups.
  4. The school submits a request to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the naming process by:
    • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the process and timing of the school naming
    • providing information on the school along with procedural guidance to inform decision-making
    • formally requesting 3 Aboriginal language names for the school, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.
  5. The school regularly updates Operations and Governance Division on progress (
  6. In the unlikely event that Traditional Owner groups are unable to provide names, Operations and Governance Division will ask the school to propose 3 non-Aboriginal language names.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of the compliance and shortlisting activity is to identify compliant names that can be put forward for community for consultation:

  1. The proposed names are provided to Operations and Governance Division (
  2. Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestions against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether each name complies.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.

Community consultation

The purpose of the following community consultation activities is to engage with the community to seek their input on the future name of the school:

  1. The school must conduct a formal consultation to enable the community to vote on the compliant names by sharing these names and their meanings.
  2. The school tallies all votes submitted within the consultation period.
  3. The names are ranked by the number of votes received.
  4. The most preferred name is adopted as the recommended name.
  5. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( of the outcome of the consultation process (including the data from steps 2 to 4 above).

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to gain approval of the future name of the school and to inform follow on activities:

  1. Operations and Governance Division contributes to the establishment briefing prepared by School Provision and Establishment Division, seeking the Minister for Education’s approval of the most popular school name. If the proposed names are not available at the time of preparation of the establishment briefing, a separate briefing is prepared by Operations and Governance Division.
  2. As the naming authority, the Minister for Education approves or rejects the proposed name or may decide to directly name the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal and region of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  4. The school notifies the school community of the outcome of the minister’s decision. However, this may occur via ministerial or local announcement.
  5. Operations and Governance Division advises School Provision and Establishment Division of the name of the new school.
  6. If a new name has been approved, Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with Geographic Names Victoria to gazette the new name and update the VICNAMES registerExternal Link .
  7. After gazettal of the revised school name, Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the new school name, including:
    • Performance and Evaluation Division who will update the department’s Entity Register
    • School Provision and Establishment Division who will advise the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) of the gazetted name, so that the VRQA’s state register can be updated.
  8. Once a new name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including revision of the school logo design, signage and website, school materials, policies, and procedures.
  9. The school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the new name, incorporating it into future communications.

Renaming an existing school as initiated by school council

Renaming an existing school as initiated by school council

Existing schools

Existing schools are those established schools registered in the State RegisterExternal Link by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and reflected in the department’s Entity RegisterExternal Link .

School renaming processes are led by the school principal.

Policy requirements for renaming existing schools as initiated by the school council

Policy requirements applicable to existing schools requesting a name change are outlined in the Policy tab and include that:

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these renaming processes. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups, logo development, uniform redesign, website updates and signage.

Initial phase

Schools may request to change their name if they believe that the change would be beneficial to the school community.

The school renaming process must commence 6 to 10 months prior to the desired implementation date. This allows for approval processes and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as the redesign of the school logo, uniforms, branding, signage and promotional activities as required.

The purpose of the following initial activities is to formally advise Operations and Governance Division and the relevant Traditional Owner group that a school naming process has commenced and to request their participation:

  1. The school discusses the proposal to change the school’s name with the region.
  2. Schools must seek school council and regional support in writing for a school renaming process to proceed.
  3. Confirmation is required from the school council that costs associated with the naming activity will be borne by the school.
  4. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( that they are considering changing the school’s name.
  5. Operations and Governance Division provides support to the school including advice on engaging with Traditional Owner groups.

    Special schools simply wishing to remove or revise the education provision part of their name are not required to engage with Traditional Owner groups and must instead provide the proposed school name to Operations and Governance Division ( (skip ahead to 'Compliance and shortlisting').

  6. The school submits a request to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the naming process by:
    • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the process and timing of the school naming
    • providing information on the school along with procedural guidance to inform decision-making
    • formally requesting 3 Aboriginal language names for the school, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.
  7. The school regularly updates Operations and Governance Division on progress (
  8. In the unlikely event that Traditional Owner groups are unable to provide names, Operations and Governance Division will ask the school to propose 3 non-Aboriginal language names.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of the following compliance and shortlisting activity is to identify compliant names that can be put forward for community for consultation:

  1. The proposed names are provided to Operations and Governance Division (
  2. Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestions against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether each name complies.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.

Community consultation

The purpose of the following community consultation activities is to engage with the community to seek their input on the future name of the school.

  1. The school must conduct a formal consultation to enable the community to vote on the compliant names by sharing these names and their meanings. Except that special schools seeking to simply remove or revise the education provision part of their name may opt out of consulting their community (in this case, skip ahead to 'Approval and implementation').
  2. The school tallies all votes submitted within the consultation period.
  3. The names are ranked by the number of votes received.
  4. The most preferred name is adopted as the recommended name.
  5. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( of the outcome of the school consultation process (including the data from steps 2 to 4 above).

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to gain approval of the future name of the school and to inform follow on activities:

  1. Operations and Governance Division submits a briefing to the Minister for Education outlining the results of the community consultation, and seeking approval of the most popular name.
  2. As the naming authority, the Minister for Education approves or rejects the proposed name or may decide to directly name the school.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal and region of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  4. The school advises the community of the minister’s decision. However, this may occur via ministerial or local announcement.
  5. If a new name has been approved, Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with Geographic Names Victoria to gazette the new name and update the VICNAMES registerExternal Link .
  6. After gazettal of a new school name, Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the gazetted name, including:
    • Performance and Evaluation Division who will update the department’s Entity Register
    • School Provision and Establishment Division who will advise the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) of the gazetted name so that the VRQA’s state register can be updated.
  7. Once a new name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including revision of the school logo design, signage and website, school materials, policies, and procedures.
  8. The school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the new name, incorporating it into future communications.

Naming a new or temporary campus, or renaming an existing campus as initiated by school council

Naming a new or temporary campus, or renaming an existing campus as initiated by school council

A table summarising the policy requirements and processes applicable to this chapter can be found on the Resources tab.

Existing schools

Existing schools are those established schools registered in the State RegisterExternal Link by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and reflected in the department’s Entity RegisterExternal Link . Existing schools may establish new campuses including the operation of temporary campuses whilst building works are undertaken on permanent campuses.

Naming processes related to existing schools are led by the school principal.

Policy requirements when naming a new or temporary campus, or renaming an existing campus as initiated by the school council

Policy applicable to the naming of new and temporary campuses and renaming of existing campuses as initiated by the school council is outlined in the Policy tab and includes that:

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these naming processes, and may fund expenses from capital works funding if applicable. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups and signage.

Initial phase

Names are required for new campuses, whilst schools may request to change an existing campus name where they consider the renaming would be beneficial to the school community.

The campus naming process must commence 6 to 10 months prior to the desired implementation date. This allows for approval processes and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as signage and website updates.

The purpose of the following initial activities is to formally advise Operations and Governance Division and the relevant Traditional Owner group that a campus naming process has commenced and to request their participation:

  1. School Provision and Establishment Division advises Operations and Governance Division of new or temporary campuses requiring names.

    The remaining initial phase activities do not apply to schools seeking an exemption under the policy to name a temporary campus after their locality. In this event, Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestion against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether the name complies prior to commencing the approval and implementation phase (skip ahead to 'Approval and implementation').

  2. Schools wishing to change the name of an existing campus discuss the proposal with the region and seek support in writing from school council and the region.

    Confirmation is required from the school council that costs associated with campus naming activities will be borne by the school.

    Schools wishing to change the name of an existing campus then contact Operations and Governance Division ( for advice.

  3. Operations and Governance Division liaises with existing multi-campus schools to determine whether they will seek an exemption to apply their existing campus naming convention (which may occur instead of, or as well as, seeking an Aboriginal language name).

    Where a school is only seeking to apply their existing campus naming convention, Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestion against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether the name complies. The approval and implementation phase is then undertaken (skip ahead to Approval and implementation).

  4. Operations and Governance Division provides support to the school including advice on engaging with Traditional Owner groups.
  5. The school submits a request to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the naming process by:
    • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the process and timing of the campus naming
    • providing information on the school and campus along with procedural guidance to inform decision-making
    • formally requesting 3 Aboriginal language names for the campus, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.
  6. The school regularly updates Operations and Governance Division on progress (
  7. In the unlikely event that Traditional Owner groups are unable to provide names, Operations and Governance Division will ask the school to propose 3 non-Aboriginal language names.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of the following compliance and shortlisting activities is to identify compliant names that can be put forward for community for consultation:

  1. The proposed names are provided to Operations and Governance Division (
  2. Operations and Governance Division, in consultation with Geographic Names Victoria, assesses the naming suggestions against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy, noting whether each name complies.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.

Community consultation

The purpose of the following community consultation activities is to engage with the community to seek their input on the future name of the campus:

  1. The school must conduct a formal consultation to enable the community to vote on the compliant names by sharing these names and their meanings.
  2. The school tallies all votes submitted within the consultation period.
  3. The names are ranked by the number of votes received.
  4. The most preferred name is adopted as the recommended name.
  5. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( of the outcome of the school consultation process (including the data from steps 2 to 4 above).

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to gain approval of the future name of the campus and to inform follow on activities:

  1. Operations and Governance Division prepares a briefing seeking the Minister for Education’s approval of a new campus name or contributes to School Provision and Establishment Division’s briefing to establish a temporary campus.
  2. As the naming authority, the Minister for Education approves or rejects the proposed name or may decide to directly name the campus.
  3. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal and region of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  4. The school advises the community of the minister’s decision. However, this may occur via ministerial or local announcement.
  5. Operations and Governance Division seeks confirmation of a new campus’s address from the local council as this typically cannot be confirmed until the later stages of the campus’s build.
  6. If a new name has been approved, Operations and Governance Division lodges a request with Geographic Names Victoria to update the VICNAMES registerExternal Link .
  7. After approval of a new name, Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the new school name, including Performance and Evaluation Division who will update the department’s Entity Register.
  8. Once a new name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including revision of the school logo design, signage and website, school materials, policies, and procedures.
  9. The school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the new name and incorporate it into future communications.

Naming a new school building funded by the Victorian Government

Naming a new school building funded by the Victorian Government

New school buildings funded by the Victorian Government

The naming of school buildings is optional. Schools may request to name or rename a school building where they consider the naming would be beneficial to the school community.

New school buildings funded by the Victorian Government include, but are not limited to, physical buildings and sporting facilities such as theatres, gymnasiums, ovals and courts.

Policy requirements for naming new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government

Policy applicable to the naming of school buildings funded by the Victorian Government is outlined in the Policy tab and include that Aboriginal language names proposed by Traditional Owners must be used when naming new school buildings funded by the Victorian Government, however, an exemption may be granted to allow a commemorative name of a deceased person.

Policy applicable to the commemorative naming of a deceased person for a new school building funded by the Victorian government is outlined in the Policy tab.

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these naming processes, and may fund expenses from capital works funding if applicable. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups and signage.

Initial phase

The new school building naming process must commence 6 to 10 months prior to the desired implementation date. This allows for approval processes and provides enough lead time for the new name to inform other important operational activities, such as signage and website updates.

Schools seeking an exemption under the policy to request a commemorative name of a deceased person, must follow the alternate process for proposal of commemorative names (skip ahead to 'Alternate process for commemorative names').

The purpose of the following initial activities is to formally advise Operations and Governance Division and the relevant Traditional Owner group that a new school building naming process has commenced and to request their participation:

  1. The school discusses the proposal to name the building with the regional director and area executive director (Office locations: Department of EducationExternal Link ).
  2. Schools must seek school council and regional support in writing for a new school building renaming process to proceed.
  3. Confirmation is required from the school council that costs associated with the naming activity will be borne by the school.
  4. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( that they are considering naming a building.
  5. Operations and Governance Division provides support to the school including advice on engaging with Traditional Owner groups.
  6. The school submits a request to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the naming process by:
    • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the process and timing of the building naming
    • providing information on the school, campus and building along with procedural guidance to inform decision-making
    • formally requesting 3 Aboriginal language names for the building, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.
  7. The school regularly updates Operations and Governance Division on progress (
  8. In the unlikely event that Traditional Owner groups are unable to provide names, Operations and Governance Division will ask the school to propose 3 non-Aboriginal language names.

Compliance and shortlisting

The purpose of the following compliance and shortlisting activities is to check compliance with the policy and identify the name(s) that can be put forward for community for consultation:

  • The proposed names, along with supporting documentation relating to a commemorative name, are provided to Operations and Governance Division (
  • Operations and Governance Division assesses the proposed name(s) against the naming principles and protocols outlined in this policy.
  • Operations and Governance Division advises the school of the outcome of the compliance check.

Community consultation

The purpose of the following community consultation activities is to engage with the community to seek their input on the future name of the building:

  1. The school must plan a formal consultation to enable the community to vote on the building name.
  2. The proposed names and their meanings must be provided to voters to inform their decision making. In the case of a commemorative name of a deceased person, a detailed biography of the person being commemorated (Principle I – Naming RulesExternal Link ) must be provided and voting options to support or oppose the proposal.
  3. The school tallies all votes submitted within the consultation period.
  4. The options are ranked by the number of votes received.
  5. The most preferred option is adopted as the recommended name. In the case of a commemorative name, the proposal is either supported or defeated.
  6. The school advises Operations and Governance Division of the outcome of the consultation process including information gathered in steps 3 to 5 above (

Alternate process for commemorative names of deceased persons

The purpose of the following activities is to formally advise Operations and Governance Division that a commemorative naming process has commenced:

  1. The school seeks endorsement from the regional director and area executive director for the proposal to name the new school building with a commemorative name (Office locations: Department of EducationExternal Link ).
  2. Schools must seek school council support in writing for a commemorative building naming process to proceed. Confirmation in writing is required from the school council that costs associated with the naming will be borne by the school.
  3. The school advises Operations and Governance Division ( that they are considering naming a building with a commemorative name of a deceased person.
  4. Operations and Governance Division provides advice and support to the school.
  5. The school undertakes due diligence checks, documenting:
    • when the person passed away
    • the person’s achievements
    • a detailed biography of the person being commemorated
    • relevant history, significance and association to the area/land
    • the character of the person and appropriateness of the commemoration
    • assurance that that the person is considered to be of good character.
  6. The school must obtain written support for the proposal from:
    • the person’s family, confirming that they agree that the name can be associated with the space (and providing authorisation for any other specific personal information to be used, such as a photograph or background information)
    • formally recognised Traditional Owners if knowingly commemorating an Aboriginal person
    • the region.

Approval and implementation

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to gain approval of the future name of the new school building funded by the Victorian Government and to inform follow on activities:

  1. Operations and Governance Division submits a briefing to the Minister for Education outlining the results of the community consultation seeking approval of the most popular name.
  2. Where a commemorative name is proposed, Operations and Governance Division submits a briefing to the minister with supporting documentation, seeking approval of the commemorative name.
  3. The Minister for Education approves or rejects the proposed name or may decide to directly name the new school building.
  4. Operations and Governance Division advises the school principal and region of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  5. If a commemorative name was proposed, the school advises the family of the person being commemorated of the outcome of the minister’s decision.
  6. The school advises the community of the outcome of the minister’s decision. However, this may occur via ministerial or local announcement.
  7. On approval of the name, Operations and Governance Division formally advises relevant parties of the name.
  8. Once a new name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including the design of signage.
  9. The school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the name and incorporate it into future communications.

Naming an existing school building or school space

Naming an existing school building or school space

The naming of existing school buildings or school spaces is optional. Schools may name an existing school building or a school space where they consider the naming would be beneficial to the school community.

Existing school buildings are buildings that are not a new school building funded by the Victorian Government.

School spaces include, but are not limited to rooms, classrooms and gardens.

Policy requirements

Policy applicable to the naming of existing school buildings or school spaces is outlined in the Policy tab including that:

  • existing school buildings and school spaces may be named with an Aboriginal language name or other non-Aboriginal name, or a commemorative name of a deceased person
  • names of commercial businesses and not-for-profit organisations must not be used
  • policy applicable to the commemorative naming of a deceased person for an existing building or school space is outlined in the Policy tab.

Funding of expenses

The school council is responsible for costs associated with these naming processes, and may fund expenses from capital works funding if applicable. Typical costs include the requesting of Aboriginal language names from Traditional Owner groups and signage.

Initial phase and shortlisting

The naming of existing school buildings and school spaces is a local process run by the school.

Schools wishing to change the name of an existing school building are recommended to contact Operations and Governance Division ( for advice on the naming process.

Schools may choose to identify potential names via a group, committee or broader engagement with their school community. Schools may identify one proposed name or develop a shortlist for consideration.

Schools seeking to use a name which is not an Aboriginal language name or a commemorative name of a deceased person must identify a name which is appropriate for the school cohort, and is respectful and inclusive.

Schools seeking to use an Aboriginal language name must submit a request to the formally recognised Traditional Owner group seeking their participation in the naming process by:

  • inviting them to a consultation meeting to discuss the process and timing of the naming activity
  • providing information on the school building or school space to inform decision-making
  • formally requesting one or more Aboriginal language names, including the meaning, written pronunciation and an audio recording of each.

Schools considering a name commemorating a deceased person, must undertake due diligence checks, documenting:

  • the reason for the commemoration which might include the person’s achievements, relevant history, significance and/or association to the area/land
  • assurance that that the person is considered to be of good character.

Furthermore, the school must obtain written support for a commemorative name proposal from:

  • the regional director
  • the family confirming that they agree that their name can be associated with the space (and providing authorisation for any other specific personal information to be used, such as a photograph or background information)
  • formally recognised Traditional Owners of the land on which the space is situated if knowingly commemorating an Aboriginal person.

Approval and implementation

With the exception of commemorative names as outlined in the section above, school principals have the authority to name existing school buildings and school spaces.

The purpose of the following approval and implementation activities is to inform follow on activities dependent on the name:

  1. The school principal considers the proposed name(s) and the outcome of any consultation undertaken, before deciding whether to approve the proposed name.
  2. For commemorative names, the school principal seeks regional director approval and following the approval, advises the family of the person being commemorated of the outcome of the decision.
  3. The school principal formally advises the school community and other relevant parties of the name, including the VSBA (refer to the policy on Repurposing and Renaming School Spaces).
  4. Once a name has been approved, the school can undertake follow on activities including the design of signage.
  5. If a new name has been approved, the school is encouraged to promote and celebrate the new name and incorporate it into future communications.



The following resources should be referred to when naming or renaming schools, campuses, buildings funded by the Victorian Government and school spaces.

Department resources

First Peoples – State Relations

Department of Transport and Planning resources

Reviewed 26 March 2020