
If you have knowledge or reason to believe a departmental employee, contractor or service provider has been involved in fraudulent or corrupt conduct, you should report it as a complaint or public interest disclosure.

Make a complaint

Available avenues:

Make a public interest disclosure

If you wish to make a public interest disclosure about the Department or any of its employees or officers, you should contact:

The Department's Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator (Coordinator), Executive Director, Integrity Assurance and Executive Services Division at the details listed above, or any of the Department's Public Interest Disclosure Officers on 03 7022 0121 or by email to

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
Level 1, North Tower
459 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
GPO Box 24234, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1300 735 135
Website: Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption CommissionExternal Link

Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) (PID Act) supports the Government's commitment to the principles of open, honest and accountable governance and is designed to protect the public interest by:

  • exposing serious public sector wrongdoing
  • ensuring public organisations are responsible and accountable
  • protecting people who make a public interest disclosure from detrimental action and ensuring their privacy.

You receive the protection of the PID Act once your allegation has been fully assessed as being a public interest disclosure.

You may wish to make a complaint using the public interest disclosure process if your complaint is about improper conduct and you are concerned that detrimental action may be taken against you for making the complaint.

If you would like to make a public interest disclosure or if you seek to make an enquiry please contact the Department's Public Interest Disclosure officers on 03 7022 0121 or by email to You may also make a complaint to your supervisor or to the supervisor of the person you wish to complain about.

For more information about the Public Interest Disclosures Act, refer to Making, handling and managing public interest disclosures (DOCX)External Link .

Relevant legislation

Department overview of policy and guidance for Reporting fraud or corruption

Reviewed 26 February 2025

Policy last updated

15 June 2020


  • Schools
  • School councils
  • All Department staff


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer to the contacts within the body of the page.

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