Template OSHC School Survey
Template OSHC school survey – for use when surveying parents and the school community about the need for OSHC.
School council managed and operated OSHC services
- Terms of reference – for a school council OSHC subcommittee to be adapted and ratified by school council
- Meeting agenda – template for a school council OSHC subcommittee to be adapted by the subcommittee as required for each meeting
Third-party operated OSHC services
- School council OSHC expression of interest template (staff login required) – can be used by school councils to assist in the selection and consultation process required to engage or change and OSHC provider
- OSHC service licence (staff login required) – includes a licence agreement and a guide to OSHC provision
- Variation of agreement template (staff login required) – a template letter to vary the agreement between school council and the OSHC provider
- Terms of reference (staff login required) – for a school council OSHC subcommittee responsible for overseeing third party provision of an OSHC service
- Meeting agenda – template for an OSHC subcommittee (responsible for a third party managed and operated OSHC) to be adapted as required for each meeting. It is recommended that the OSHC subcommittee refer to the OSHC licence agreement in place with the third-party provider to inform the agenda
Web resources
- CASES21 and eCASES
- Emergency management – sets out the emergency management processes, procedures and requirements for early childhood education and care services
- Enforcement – outlines the expectation that school council consults the compliance history and assessment rating of other similar services operated by the provider; where school council is engaging or changing an OSHC provider
- Factsheets — includes resources to assist approved providers, and education and care services to comply with the requirements of the National Quality Framework
- Information that must be displayed at an early childhood – sets out the display requirements for schools
- National Quality Agenda IT – to register for an account and to apply for both provider and service approval in one place
- School council training video: an introduction to
- School council online (staff login required) – includes online training modules for OSHC
OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative resources
Note: These documents are customised for schools who have received grants as part of the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative. If your school already operates an OSHC, or has not applied for a grant under the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative, you should use the documents under the 'Resources' heading on this page.
For all schools
- Small and regional OSHC application guidelines – for eligible schools applying for further funding from 2025
- Template memorandum of understanding for cluster schools – recommended where OSHC in receipt of Establishment funding (including additional funding support) is delivered in collaboration between 2 schools
- Final acquittal certification form – for schools who are submitting their final acquittal in Term 1 2025. This form is to be downloaded, filled in, and uploaded as an attachment to the online acquittal form on SmartyGrants
For schools intending to implement a transport solution
Buses – Owned, Hired or Chartered by a School – outlines the requirements for schools who purchase or hire buses, operate buses, or charter bus services. Schools may contact the Student Transport Unit for support:
Contact your regional senior project officer for further advice and assistance on transport solutions:
- North eastern Victoria region:
- North western Victoria region:
- South eastern Victoria region:
- South western Victoria region:
For schools intending to operate the service through their school council
- Guidance document for grant recipients (school council – outlines the steps required for the school council to run the service itself, including the process to receive provider and service approval from the Regulatory Authority. Following the steps in this document will assist your school with establishing the service prior to Term 1, 2022
- Enrolment form – contains all the information that you would need to have to enrol a child in an OSHC service
- Position description for an OSHC coordinator – can be adapted and used when advertising for staff for your service
For schools intending to engage a third party provider to operate the service
- Guidance document for grant recipients (third party provider – outlines the steps required for the school to engage a third party provider to operate an OSHC service, including the EOI process
- List of third party providers (staff login required) – OSHC providers who may be interested in taking part in the EOI process can be found in this document. It is not an exhaustive list and schools may choose to engage other providers based on local knowledge or availability
- Licence agreement template (staff login required) – Note: this document includes some additional information compared to the normal Licence Agreement used by schools that is only relevant to the Grants initiative. It should not be used by other schools
- Partnership meeting agenda template – can be adapted and used to guide a meeting with the appointed provider to discuss school-specific issues and agreements
- Memorandum of understanding template (staff login required) – recommended to be completed and signed after a Partnership Meeting to formalise the arrangements discussed
Reviewed 20 March 2025