Tailored, real world guidance is best
The COI Toolkit (refer below) contains resources which can assist employees in applying the above process to real world situations.
Given the variety of circumstances in which Conflict of Interest (COI) may arise, the department also recognises that high level principles or generic examples may be inadequate guidance for resolving COI risks in specific circumstances. For this reason, business units throughout the department and schools are advised to identify clear expectations for employees about how the COI Policy should apply to discrete situations. The resources in the COI Toolkit can be adapted for this purpose.
COI resources
There are a range of resources to assist employees in understanding and applying the COI Policy to the different circumstances where conflicts of interest arise:
- Conflict of Interest Toolkit – includes links to a variety of practical resources – last updated 12/7/2017
- Conflict of Interest Toolkit – includes links to a variety of practical resources – last updated 12/7/2017
- General Information
- General Information
- Managing COI in Recruitment
- Managing COI in Recruitment
- Managing COI in Other Employment
- Managing COI in Other Employment
- Managing COI When Procuring Goods and Services
- Managing COI When Procuring Goods and Services
For an introduction to conflicts of interest, refer to the Conflict of Interest animated . This tool helps staff to understand the department’s conflict of interest obligations and engage colleagues in discussions at team meetings, inductions and in Performance and Development Plan conversations.
To learn more about how to identify, declare, avoid and manage conflicts of interest, complete the Conflict of Interest eLearn module (staff login which can be found on LearnED in eduPay.
Reviewed 03 March 2025