
The following resources are provided to support schools to develop and implement quality school-based assessment across Foundation to Level 10 (F–10).

External resources

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)

Minimum standards and requirements for school registrationExternal Link – VRQA standards require schools to undertake ongoing assessment, monitoring and recording of all students’ performance and have policies and procedures for assessing and monitoring student progress and achievement.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

The VCAA provides online resources to support schools to improve their formative assessment practices. The resources include:

Departmental resources

The department has developed a series of online resources to support schools in meeting the threshold assessment requirements for registration and to develop and evaluate quality assessment processes and practices:

Assessment of EAL proficiency and progress

For a range of tools and advice for the assessment and reporting of the English language proficiency and progress of students, refer to:

Translated information sheet for parents and carers about the EAL curriculum

The ‘Information sheet for parents and carers about the EAL curriculum’ document is available to download in the following languages:

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 08 December 2024

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