
This advice describes the new asset information management system (AIMS) which is a web-based, centralised portal that has replaced schools’ existing asset information management systems.


  • Over 2021 and 2022, the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) rolled out a new asset information management system (AIMS)External Link (staff login required) to schools.
  • AIMS helps schools to manage their assets within a single portal.
  • All schools transitioned to AIMS by the end of 2022.
  • New schools will be trained and onboarded to AIMS by the end of term 2 of the first year of operation.


The rollout of AIMS is a key component of the VSBA’s asset management reform program and a requirement under the Department of Treasury and Finance’s asset management accountability framework.

AIMS is streamlining asset management data, systems, and business processes into a single IT solution. This is making it easier for schools to access asset information and plan, manage and acquit school asset activities.

AIMS can be accessed at: Asset information management system (AIMS)External Link (staff login required).

AIMS is reducing duplication across different systems and improving the integration of key activities (such as linking CASES21 to the scheduling of asset maintenance tasks).

With all schools now using AIMS, the system helps improve the VSBA’s oversight of school asset management activities and provides a single source of truth for asset information for both schools and the VSBA.

The benefits of AIMS for schools

  • AIMS is making it easier for schools to manage maintenance and compliance activities within a single portal.
  • AIMS has replaced over 20 departmental asset information systems and integrates with other Department of Education systems.
  • AIMS provides greater transparency to schools about how assets are managed.
  • AIMS facilitates the VSBA providing targeted support to help schools manage their assets more effectively

Systems and data that AIMS has replaced include (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • school maintenance system
  • school facilities profile website
  • school maintenance plan portal
  • rolling facilities evaluation portal
  • condition assessment reports
  • DET clean.

Systems that are integrated with AIMS include:

  • CASES21
  • eduMail (to facilitate system-generated notifications and track emails within the system)
  • SailPoint (to facilitate access management to AIMS).

What is AIMS used for?

Schools are using AIMS to undertake a number of activities, including but not limited to:

  • accessing and updating school asset and facilities information
  • planning, scheduling, and managing maintenance and compliance activities
  • automating notifications for asset management activities
  • viewing asbestos audits and registers.

New schools

All new schools opened in the current year will be notified and invited to attend AIMS training.

Staff support and training

While AIMS is reducing the administrative burden and workload for schools, this transition has meant a change for how schools undertake a range of administrative tasks.

A comprehensive and structured training program has been established to support schools in their use of AIMS. This includes:

  • dedicated training sessions
  • new user training
  • group training sessions covering different modules in AIMS
  • the AIMS Knowledge Centre – a centralised portal for AIMS information and resources
  • the bricks and mortar asset management program.

AIMS Knowledge Centre

The AIMS Knowledge CentreExternal Link (staff login required) is a central repository of practical information to help schools use AIMS, including:

  • schedule of AIMS training sessions
  • knowledge and support – new system updates, important tips, knowledge articles on best practice use
  • guides and resources – user guides and quick reference guides.

The AIMS Knowledge Centre is regularly updated with information about AIMS.

Bricks and mortar asset management program

The Victorian Academy of Leadership and Teaching delivers a professional learning and development workshop, ‘Bricks and mortar asset management’, to equip school leaders with the knowledge and skills to strategically manage their assets.

It is highly recommended that schools participate in a bricks and mortar asset management workshop. Schools can register for a workshop on the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership websiteExternal Link .

AIMS is the key tool that supports schools to meet relevant facilities management requirements and undertake day-to-day facilities management activities outlined in the workshop.

This advice describes the new Asset information Management System (AIMS) which is a web-based, centralised portal that will replace schools existing asset information management systems

Reviewed 05 July 2024

Policy last updated

5 July 2024


  • Schools


Victorian School Building Authority AIMS Project Team

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