
The following resources are available for employees in school locations.

Principals may decide how and when to use the resources below and which are the most useful for their employees.

e-Module learning program

An e-module has been designed to help you understand the Department's Values and how their representative behaviours apply to your role. This module is one of a suite of modules linked to the Department's commitment to respectful workplaces.

The Understanding DET's Values — schools e-module is available via the eduPay LearnED module:

Values eThank You Card

The Values eThank You cards provide the opportunity to thank your colleagues for 'living our values everyday'. So why not recognise one or more colleagues by sending them an eThank You Card.

Because at DET, how we behave and treat one another is just as important as the work we do.

The Values eThank You Card site is an online intranet page available to all school and corporate staff.

Other resources

The Word versions for each of the PDF documents below have been created for system reading software. The content is the same, however the formatting and display is different to accommodate system reader functionality.

Team activity sheets

Team activity — scenarios for discussion

Email signature blocks


Resources for Victorian Public Sector Values — School Employees

Reviewed 21 June 2024

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